- Focus Focus Focus -

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Ukai's foot bounced up and down anxiously as the game continued to progress with their team not landing a solid spike since the first whistle. The majority of the points they got were from Date Tech's small mistakes, which only made the coach's anxiousness grow and grow. Still, he kept his composure, knowing that their sure-fire fallback plan was still playable. 

His eyes glanced from the court to the other players on the bench, gaze settling on Shinigami who was currently biting his lip, hands tightly clasped together. It was obvious that he was itching to get a spike in, and as much as Ukai wanted to sub him in, he had to wait. 

'For the perfect opening...' 

The game progressed, with the points being 3-2. It was Date Tech's serve, the ball flying towards Tanaka who received it to Kageyama. As soon as the ball was served Hinata began to run, sprinting so fast to the net the other team had yet to notice his movements. It wasn't until he was up int he air, with the ball flying up towards him did they finally take notice.

But it was too late. 

The ginger slammed the ball down, earning Karasuno another point. The sudden quick attack left the opposing team stunned, all of them standing in their positions, not a single one being able to react to the attack. Ukai grinned behind his hands at the faces on Date Tech's coaches' faces, snickering before Takeda nudged him to stop. 

The crowds watching the game went a little wild, cheering loudly for the two first years -specifically Hinata- who fist-pumped the air. The shorter male whirled around, grinning back at Shinigami who gave him a smirk along with two thumbs-ups. 

'Man, that quick sure does the trick.' Shinigami thought, his smile softening as Hinata continued to celebrate even if it was just one point. He knew what it was like to score so perfectly, the feeling of accomplishment like you had finished an assignment the day it was assigned. Feeling a shiver run down his spine, the second year glanced around the gym before locking eyes with a familiar-looking brown-haired male. 'That's the guy that shouted at me last game...hmm wonder who he is...' 

Oikawa narrowed his eyes when he caught the gaze of the benched player. It confused him beyond belief as to why he wasn't on the court playing, especially against a strong team like Date Tech. After all, even Iwaizumi had some trouble breaking through their wall whenever the two teams faced off, but when it came to Shinigami and his hard-hitting serves and spikes, he thought it was idiotic to not put him in. 

Iwaizumi noticed the captain of his team staring and rolled his eyes, pushing him forward to the stairs leading up to the stands. Before they left, the ace spared one last glance over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at the sight of Shinigami conversing with Sugawara. 

The match continued, with the point gap barely changing. Back and forth went the points, with each team landing solid spikes especially with Date Tech's best blocker out of the rotation. However, as soon as Hinata was back at the front, so was him. Number 7, Takanobu Aone. Seeing this, Ukai smirked, glancing over to Shinigami. 

'Right now, they probably think that quick attack was a fluke...if we distract them now and put the focus on him, we can use that same attack later without them getting used to it...' With that thought, the coach nudged Takeda who grabbed the board, calling for a substitution. 

~ DIRTY MIND ~- A Haikyuu OC Fanfiction- (Male x Various)Where stories live. Discover now