- Deal -

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"Are you sure-," 

"Go before you are late тупица мотыга (dumbass hoe)!" Auntie Misha spoke loudly while shoving Shinigami towards the front door. The reason he was so hesitant about leaving was due to a pipe bursting in the apartment above his, causing a lot of water damage along with a minor flood. 

As soon as he saw everything damaged when he woke up that morning, he had called up Misha who then contacted some of her plumming and house repair friends, who may or may not be in some sort of Russian mafia circle thing. Either way, Shinigami was nervous to leave the house in such disrepair, but with Inter-High, he had no choice but to leave. 

"Have a great day and beat ass!!" Misha slammed the door behind her, causing Shinigami to sweatdrop at her loud personality. He was still adjusting to returning to his old home growing up,  so he was still awkward with some areas and such. With his workout bag filled with protein bars, water bottles, and uniformShinigami hurried down the stairs, rushing since he was no late. 

Taking out his phone he decided to let Ukai know that he would catch a bus to Sendai gym where the tournament would be held. The coach at first was a little annoyed but after hearing the boy's reason for being late, he agreed, giving him the number of the gym their first game would be in. Tucking his phone back into his pocket Shinigami glanced at the bus schedule before turning pale. 

"...oh fuck." 

- - - 

"Where is he?!" Tanaka shouted, glancing around wildly which got him weird looks from other people in the halls. "If he's taking my spot he better not be late!!" Daichi was about to go over and give the second year a hit over the head to calm him down when he heard a frantic voice down the hall. 

"Excuse me! Sorry! Ah- sorry sorry excuse me!" The team looked out in that direction, spotting Shinigami who was rushing over. People were gawking and staring at the gigantic and handsome male, a few girls following after him asking him what his name and team were. Spotting Daichi and the others Shinigami visibly relaxed, rushing over before throwing his bag down. 

"What took you- W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Daichi shouted, his eyes widened when Shinigami suddenly began to strip in the middle of the hallway. As soon as he ripped off his hoodie, leaving him half-naked, the girls who had followed him squealed, taking out their phone to take photos of the male's chiseled body. 

Grabbing his uniform Shinigami pulled it on, cheeks pink as he caught his breath. Since he had gone out wearing his shorts, he didn't need to fully strip. When he sat down to put on his kneepads, Daichi clenched his fist, whacking the other male over the head with a flushed face. 

"Sorry sorry!" Pulling one knee pad on Shinigami worked on the other, not affected by Daichi's hard hits. "The plumbing in the apartment above my burst, so I had to call some people to come to fix it." Leaning against the wall exhausted from how much he had run, the male thanked Nishinoya who handed him a bottle of water. After glugging half of it's contents, he gasped, wiping his lips with his hand. "And then the bus was super late, so I ran here." 

"You ran...all the way here?!" Daichi growled, thunking Shinigami over the head another time. "Are you stupid or something!? Don't waste your energy like that!!' Covering his head, Shinigami glanced up at the captain with a cheeky smile, which made the older male freeze suddenly. Daichi covered half his face with his hand, quickly glancing away from the handsome male. "W-Whatever, just get stretched out." Nodding, Shinigami was about to stretch out his legs when he saw that the girls who had followed him were still there. 

"Oh, hello...?" The three girls walked over, excitedly hovering around Shinigami as he warmed up. Two of them were brunettes while the other was blonde. The other boys watched from where they were warming up in the hallway as the girls stood around their attractive teammate, slightly jealous. 

"Hi! You're really hot!" The brunette with simple hazel eyes shouted excitedly, eyes sparkling. The sudden confession caught Shinigami off guard, the male turning pink before bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. Before he could reply, the girl with blonde hair smacked the other over the head, clear annoyance on her face. 

"Idiot! Don't just say that!" The blonde sighed, clearly annoyed at her friend who simply laughed back. Her blue eyes locked with Shinigami's, both of them staring at each other for a second before she spoke up. "I'm Rei Noska from Aoba Johsai. Sorry about Akiri, she's...odd." The brunette who had first shouted that Shinigami was hot looked offended for a second before giggling, agreeing with her friend. Rei rolled her eyes before turning back to Shinigami. "And this is Hirota Ito, the reason we followed you is that she actually wanted to ask you something." 

The other brunette who had green eyes flinched, shyly avoiding Shinigami's gaze when he looked to her. She was shorter compared to the other two, and obviously the quiet one out of the three. The way her hair fell in front of her face made her look really beautiful in Shinigami's eyes. 

"Ah...u-umm..I-I was..." When she spoke her voice was quiet and hushed, a heavy blush covering her face. The others on the team watched intensely, thinking that Shinigami was about to receive a confession of love, which made the girl even more nervous to speak. Noticing this, Shinigami waved his hand at his teammates who instantly all snapped their gazes to either the wall, floor, or ceiling, acting as though they had done nothing at all. Hirota saw his gesture, the corners of her lips curling up just the slighted. 

"Come on! Spit it out!" Akiri Kaobayashi cheered her friend on, giving her a hard pat on the back. 

"Ah! R-Right!" Fumbling in her pocket, the girl pulled out a small card, shyly handing it down to Shinigami.

"What's this?" He took the card from her hands, glancing it over before his eyes widened. "Oh! I get it!" He turned his gaze up to the girls, a happy grin stretching across his face. "You're a photographer, so you need a model, right?" Hirota nodded her head, silently thankful that the handsome male was so friendly and easy to talk to. She felt comfortable under his gaze, her trembling figure relaxing. 

Before she could ask when he was free to take photos, Daichi called the team over since it was time for the first game. Shinigami tucked the card into his bag, shooting a smile to the girls. 

"How about this, if you guys stick around and cheer for us, I'll give you my number so we can take photos," he stuck his hand out to Hirota who gazed up at him with wide eyes, eyebrows slightly risen. "Deal?" She smiled, placing her hand in his. 


~ DIRTY MIND ~- A Haikyuu OC Fanfiction- (Male x Various)Where stories live. Discover now