Chapter 8

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"Looks to me like you'll be able to make it home today!" Dr. OBrian says as he writes down a few things on a chart. We were able to take all the bandages off last night. Ashley squeals with excitement and throws her arms around me. I hug her back with my one arm and blush slightly as I peak over at Josh. Ashley sees this and gives me a wink.

"I think he has eyes for you too!" She whispers into my ear and pokes my arm. This only causes me to blush more and give her a slight glare before we both burst into giggles.

"I'm glad to see the two of you at it like always." My mom smiles and kisses us both on the head. "I'm going to go get the house cleaned up, Ash you'll get her home?"

"Yes ma'am, she's safe with me!"

"Thanks hun. I've filled out all the paperwork, is that correct?" She now turns to the doctor.

"Seems like! You're all free to go when ever. I think I may talk over some options with Alissa before she heads out and give her some papers to bring home to you."

"Sounds good." Mom gives Ash and I a little smile and wave before heading out.

"What options are we talking about?" I ask, confused as to what options he may be eluding to."

"You see there are many different options to prosthetics you may choose from if you'd like or we can keep you to a wheel chair? It's completely up to you."

I think about this. "How much would prosthetics cost?"

"Well there's a variety in prices, of course your insurance should cover some of that, but that's something I feel you should discuss more with your mother. I'll just show you the options."

"Sounds good to me." I smile feeling excited.

Josh enters the room with a box, I hadn't even realized he'd left. "Here's the prosthetics." He announces.

"Thank you Josh." The doctor answers. After an hour or so of looking at, and learning about, the different prosthetics and how they work I'm pretty interested.

"Some of these almost look real!" Ash says in awe. "Will they be made to match her skin tone?" Ash is always the one for looks.

"Of course!" The doctor answers.
"They'll be made to fit her entirely in every shape, form, and fashion."
Ash looks at me and looks more excited than me! I laugh at her and notice Josh's mouth turn up at the sound of my laughter. I quiet my laughing and blush a little. My laugh is atrocious.

"I'd like to use prosthetics. Of course I'll have to talk with my mom about it first and see her thoughts. Can I have the papers to show some to her?"

"Oh, yes!" Dr. OBrian hands her a packet. "My number's on the bottom, feel free to call any time, there's no rush in a decision."

We thank them both before we leave the hospital. Ashley rolls me out to the car in my wheel chair and gets me in. My house is about a half hour from here.

"Y'all would be a perfect couple!" She squeals as she gets in and shuts the door.

"Ashley!" I laugh. "I hardly know him!" My smile fades. "I don't think he'd take me like this anyway. I'm no more than a burden any more." It slowly hits me.

"Excuse me!?" Ashley turns to me. "You are still Alissa! Nothing's changed in reality! I'm still fully in love with you! You're my best friend, no matter what! You will never ever be a burden! Don't say things like that, and if this Josh doesn't take you for you then he's a piece of crap any way! You're stunning! A girl with all her limbs couldn't compete with you on her best day!" She leans over and kisses my cheek before backing out of the parking lot.

"You're right." I smile. "Any guy worth anything will take me for me!"

"Exactly!" She exclaims. "When you pick out your prosthetics we're going to get you all made up so the next time he sees you you'll be irresistible!" I laugh and hear "Close Your Eyes" by Meghan Trainor playing through the radio. My mouth drops.

"This is perfect!" I scream. "Turn it up!!" Ashley laughs and does as told. We both sing it out at the top of our lungs as though we were pop stars and everyone loved our cracked tones. We sang the next few songs too until we pulled up at my house.

"Well, let's go see what surprise your mom's pulled out this time!" My mom is always doing crazy things to the house when I get home from something. Considering this is a huge deal, I can only imagine.

I laugh. "Good luck to us." Ashley climbs out and gets me into my wheel chair and rolls me to the door.

"Here we go." We both jinx and burst into laughter.

Ashley reaches out and opens the door and then rolls me in.

Heyy guys!!(: I know it was way longer then a week! I ended up being out of town for 3 weeks and things came up! Sorry.

She's out of the hospital! And there's hope for somewhat normality!(:

Do you think her and Josh have a chance? Well..keep reading!(:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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