Chapter 5

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I spring up and wipe the tears from my eyes, pushing away the memory. I must have dozed off. It's 11:23am. A tall, thin doctor is leaned over my body spouting out words and numbers I'll never understand. He looks to be in his 40's at most. He's about 6'3" and has salt and pepper colored hair gelled back.

Standing behind him is a guy jotting down everything the doctor says. He can't be much older than me, maybe 17? He has shaggy blonde hair to his ears and breath taking blue eyes, the color of the bright afternoon sky. My eyes, on the other hand, were glued to him. He's very attractive. He can't possibly be a doctor?

I walk over and peer into his name tag, Student Assistant: Josh. So he's learning to become a doctor. That makes more sense.

My face flushes as I realize how hideous I look right now - I know, why care about looks at a time like this - but hey, I'm a teenage girl alright?

My hair's greasy and still a pig sty. My skin, pale and paper thin. I was losing weight and I had deep bags under my eyes. Ugh, not to mention the three missing limbs covered with bandages and the wires spilling from my body.

I stand up straight in a hopeless effort to block his view of my pathetic excuse of a body, it's hopeless. He looks straight at me, or through me should I say. I hunch over in embarrassment and slink away to sit near my mom.

The doctor turns to face us and I catch his name tag, Dr. O'Brian. "She seems to be fine. All symptoms are working properly. If she doesn't wake up by tomorrow we'll run some deeper tests on her and see if there's any hidden damage, but if she wakes up we should be fine. For now we'll just keep her sedated and pump blood into her."

"Well if there's a chance at more damage shouldn't we look into it now!?" Mom asks, panicked. The doctor smiles kindly. "There's no reason as of now, all we've looked into is in proper check and working great! There's nothing showing to look any deeper." "Oh." Mom calmed. "So she's going to be ok? She's going to make it?"

"I can't say for sure, but I'd give her an 80% chance, that's more than normal in this case. Not that this is a normal case." Mom face grows tight. "Mrs. Daniels, she's in good hands." He smiles sympathetically. I look over at Josh and he's just looking back and forth between my body and his feet. "Get some rest, you need it." The doctor smiles and then leaves, Josh not far behind him.

I need to make my decision.

Thanks for reading and voting!(: I'm glad to answer any questions! Any comments?(: I'll get the next chapter up by tomorrow(:

She's in a crazy situation! Idk if people really can leave their bodies while in a coma, I highly dout it, but that's what's fun about a fiction(:

Her decision will be made in the next chapter!(: so keep reading...

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