Chapter 3

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I sat there for a while contemplating the decision put before me. Life or death. I'd often wondered how I'd die. Young and daring or old and natural...but in all cases it just came to me. I was there one moment and gone the next. I strongly believe in the after life, heaven or hell, so I know the end is really just the beginning.

It seems the choice should be easy. Death brings people pain and sorrow, life brings, well, normality...but it's not so easy. I've thought long and hard about it. I look at the clock, it's nearly 4am. I'm no where near tired, but then again maybe spirits don't get tired.

I throw my ghostly legs over the side of the bed and walk towards the window. I look out at the stars that are just beginning to fade. It hits me that IF I choose to live then this will be the last time I'll walk, at least on my very own set of legs. I hug myself, shivering at the thought of it. I jerk around hearing a mumble bubble through my moms lips, but she just shifts positions in her chair.

I sit on the chair near the window, surprised that I don't fall through. I look over at my, almost, lifeless body. My chest slowly rising and falling. I don't look like me. I've probably lost 20 pounds and 80% of my color. Probably due to blood loss. I sigh. So much for the long hours in the sun. I see the times now 4:30. Still not tired, but I close my eyes in hopes to get some rest.




I open my eyes, confused, and then everything comes back to me. I look and see the clock, 9:14am. I see my mom leaned over my now 100 pound, white, paper thin body. Ugly is the only word that comes to mind.

"I love you baby girl." I hear her say to me. "I'm going to run down stairs and grab a cup of coffee. It won't take long I promise." She turns to walk away but then runs back and gives me a quick peck on the forehead before heading down stairs. I smile wishing I could jump up and race her to the coffee machine. Instead I sit, staring into my own face. This is all too weird.

Almost two hours later my mom steps back through the door. "Sorry I took so long. I got a phone call and - well - I brought someone for you." Ashley steps through the door as though on cue. I bolt out of my chair wanting to be near her. "Can she hear us?" Ashley asks. There's a pause before answering. "I'd like to think so."

Ashley and I have been best friends our entire life's. My mother and hers had us in the same room at the exact same times. That's how we all met. Mom invited them to church and we've all been inseparable since. I think they hurt just as bad as we did when Dad died. Ashley's dad walked out on them as soon as Mrs. Grace became pregnant. We had so much in common it was scary.

"Hey Liss." She smiled. That's been my nick name since forever. "Hey Ash." I whisper, knowing she can't hear. "Our birthdays next month and I expect you to be there!" She laughed.

Our sweet 16. We'd been planning it for years. We'd get our first cars and, cross our fingers, maybe even boyfriends. Were not aloud to date until were 16. It never bothered us though because we've always had each other. Ashley's hair is long, blonde, and layered. It stops right at the curve of her back. Her big blue eyes slowly fill up with tears but she pushes them back. Besides hair and eye color we're not so different. Our skin tones match perfectly and our bodies are twin like!

How could I leave my best friend and mother behind? God's given me this choice for a reason, right?

But then images cloud my mind with thoughts reminding me that life will have to be different now. Will I embarrass Ash walking with fake limbs? Or strolling along in a wheel chair?

"I miss you." She says, her voice shaking as she grabs a hold of my only hand. I walk up behind her and throw my arms around her in attempt to comfort her. But I know she can't feel me. And with a kiss to the cheek she stands and leaves.

Well I hope y'all like it so far? The next chapter will explain what happened to her of you've still yet to figure it out:D and we're introduced to Ashley!(: thoughts on her? She's really the best, you'll see(:

I'll have the next chapter up tomorrow!(: so for any mistakes, enjoy!!:D

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