Chapter 25

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Hannah POV 

It's been a couple of days since we had our talk, I was informed that Clive was coming today. I don't know but I was truly glad that he was coming. Grace was out with her uncle and I was confined to my room. I couldn't believe that my mother could ground me. Sitting there looking out the window I watched as pack members were running around due to another Alpha was coming here. Stacy came by to check out my sanity but I just told her that people in prison had more freedom than I do. She laughed and brushed it off and we just talked about the baby. After a couple of hours of talking she left and I went down to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. There was a knock on the door I waited for Whitney to open cause I was forbidden to open or leave the house. 

"Hannah" she yelled. I walked out to the hallway to see Ashley standing at the door. I knew that I shouldn't say anything to mess up the peace. So I smiled and came over. 

"Ashley, what brings you here this fine evening" Whitney stayed to make sure that nothing happened. 

"We need you to come with me, The Alpha wants you to come and help greet your Alpha and Beta." shocked that they wanted me there but I was the daughter of the past Beta so I was allowed to come if asked. 

"Alright I will be there in a moment." she nodded her head and turned to walk away then paused. "I will walk you there." 

"No that is not necessary, Whitney will join me. I'm pretty sure you have a lot of things to do." I felt like it was a trap and I was going to make sure that I was not caught. 

"Don't worry I can wait" with that she went and sat down on the porch. Whitney looked at me, and I could tell that she also felt that Ashley was off. So I mind linked Charles to come over as quickly to be on the safe side. 

'What's the matter' 

'Ashley's here and I don't know why but something doesn't fell right with her.' 

'Alright I will be there in the next minute, we were headed home anyways.' with that I ended the link and walked back inside to go and get ready to greet Clive and Tyler. Once I was done getting ready Charles and Grace had shown up and Ashley was talking to them outside. 

"Alright I'm ready to go." with that we all headed out to the pack house. I stay as far as I could be from Ashley and Grace was standing next to Whitney. As we were getting closer to the pack house Ashley turned to me. 

"Hannah can I talk to you." 

"About what exactly." I paused and so did everyone else. 

"You know what" 

"After the greet we can talk in private." she stayed silent then nodded. As we reached the house Matt was standing there with Ethan on his right side and Charles quickly went to left side. I stood by Grace my wolf was getting excited to see Clive and Tyler. Once we say the Black BMW we knew that they were here. Tyler got out the back seat and came over, Clive was right behind him. He didn't look our way due to him working but I knew that he was grinning like a fool. 

"Alpha Matthew, thank you for allowing us to come on your pack grounds. Also for taking care of our members." Tyler looked our way and smiled. 

"The pleasure is all mine Alpha Tyler." with that they introduced themselves and headed indoors. Clive came over and quickly grabbed me and gave me a hug. 

"How's my girl" 

"Tired, bored" grinning hugging him back. Grace came over and he released me and gave her a hug as well. 

"Man are you getting taller." teasing her. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I turned to see that Matt and Tyler were looking at us. One was smiling and the other looked like he was ready to kill.  I didn't know what Matt was thinking but I knew that I needed to show him that I had moved on. Grabbing onto his arm and headed towards the back house but paused and turned to see Ashley standing there watching us. 

"I will be in there in a moment" with that releasing his arm and went to stand in front of Ashley. I knew that Whitney was standing on the porch watching us. 

"You wanted to talk Luna" 

"Yes, I know about you and Matt in the woods." I didn't say anything wondering what she was getting at. "I need to know what your feelings are about my mate." 

"Look Ashley, you are the Luna of this pack why are you so worried." was all I could say. 

"Being the Luna doesn't mean everything Hannah" turning around walking away from me. I was kind of worried about her. Deciding to follow her. "I mean watching your  mate fawn over someone that isn't his mate is not sitting well with me or my wolf." 

"I can understand" she paused. "Then why don't you leave" 

"I want to but I have to take Grace into consideration. She is his daughter and I won't be taking her away from him if she doesn't want to leave." Ashley turned around and growled. Turning back and looked at me and her eyes were black and I knew that her wolf was showing her face. 

"Calm down Luna, It is not that serious." worried that she would lung at me and I would have to fight and It meant death when are fighting with the Luna and she knew it. I quickly mind link Charles that he needed to come here and bring Matt. Ashley was getting ready for the lung and I was preparing to fight her if I needed to, but I didn't want it to come to that. I sensed Charles before I could see him, and he was not alone. I took my eyes off of Ashley for a moment to look and then I felt a hard slam that knocked me off my feet. Ashley was slicing her nails down my face and chest, and I tried to remover her without harming but I knew if I didn't, she would kill me. That was a hard pill to swallow. So, I forcibly removed her claws from my tattered shirt and throw her over my body. I allowed my wolf to come forward slightly and that was it. We lunged at each other, and we could hear pack members yelling about protecting their Luna, but none moved forward. We stayed in our human form for the most part, she did get in a few good hits in, but I was just blocking her attacks. When Matt finally came forward, he stood in between us and yelled for us to stop. I stopped due to him being an Alpha, but I wasn't going to allow my guard down again for another sneak attack. 

"Matt, I'm your Luna and you command me" Ashley yelled. 

"Even if you are my Luna, we have guest and you have conducted yourself not as a Luna but a rogue." we could hear gasp and whispers about that statement. 

"A rogue, you dare call me a rogue." she laughed, I could see tears rolling down her cheeks. "We have been mated and you dare call me a rogue. Just because I was protecting what is mine." 

Matt stood there silently. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Ashley, you have gotten worse and its showing in your duty as a Luna." 

"Oh, that is all you can come back with." she glared at me "Do you see what you have done with coming back here." She looked around and back at me. "If you don't want me to be your Luna just reject me." Luke ran up. 

"Mom, don't say that." 

"It's okay honey, your father doesn't want me, and I don't want to be embarrassed any more than I am." 

"But" Luke seemed torn. 

"Ashley, Like I told you. You are the Luna of this pack, and I am not here to take over your position." 

"I heard you, but Matt has other plans." 

"Ashley" Matt walked over to her "I need you to calm down. After Alpha Tyler leaves, we will sit down and talk." 

She didn't say anything but just walked away and with her son quickly following her. Matt informed the pack to go back to their business and walked over. 

"Are you okay."  

"I'm fine Matt but you really need to talk to her and make her feel secure. 

"I will" with that I went back home to get changed and visited the clinic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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