Chapter 19

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Hannah POV

Once I was discharged from that hospital, Matt had stopped by to help us get back home. Grace seemed in her own world since getting into the car, she would state two or three words to him and then become silent once again. Matt looked at me and seemed worried. As we pulled into my parking lot Grace stepped out and headed into the house, I was about to open the door when he stopped me. 

"Wait please wait." turning around to stare at him. 

"Yeah, what is it" 

"Look I was hoping that I would be able to talk to you about you staying longer once we find out who ordered the attack" 

"I'm sorry but I have a job back home that I need to get back to and Grace needs to get back for school. Plus it is her choice if she wants to stay Matt" 

"I know that but it would seem that only you would be able to convince her to stay" something was nagging about this conversation. 

"Matt are you going to try to announce that you want Grace to become the next Alpha" he was silent, my heart was racing.  "Matt, the one thing you need to know about your daughter is that she doesn't want to be pushed into something that she doesn't have any desire to be in" 

"I noticed that in my office, but what you don't understand Hannah is that I have two children both the same age and only one I could see being the next Alpha." he continued "Luke has been with me from the very beginning and yes he has some of the qualities to be a great Alpha but with Grace she has only been here less than three weeks and the pack already loves her and she is shows great leader ship." 

With everything he was saying I couldn't tell if he was lying to keep us here or was he telling me the truth. "She is a force to reckon with but she didn't come here to become the Alpha, she came to learn about her father and get to know him." patting him on the shoulder "So why don't you just get to know her and be the father you are meant to be and leave it to faith." with that I got out the car and headed inside. Once I was inside ,Charles was waiting by the door. 

"So what did he say" 

"Oh nothing that you need to worry about, he is looking into information about who is out to get me." 

"I know he has me on scout duty to find any scent that is out of place." I could tell from the dark bags under his eyes that he has not got any sleep. 

"I'm sorry, where is Mom" 

"She is in the living room with Dad and Whitney." just the two of them, Charles must have read my face "Grace went on up to her room and that was it" 

"Thanks," Heading up to the room to check on her, when I got there I knocked on the doors and waited to see if she was up. 

"Come in Mom" opening the door she was sitting on the edge of the bed with her cellphone in hand." 

"What's good on Tik Tok?" I knew that when she was stressed out she would watch videos on social media until she was ready to talk. 

"Oh watching walking in on boyfriend naked" 

"What!" shocked that there where videos like that. 

"Yeah there are some good ones but they don't show anything" 

"Good" sitting next to her "Grace, honey what is the matter you didn't really talk to your father" 

"I know" putting the phone down and looked up at me. "It's just ever since that fight in his office I think things have changed and into a way that I don't think I'm ready for." 

"Why do you think that?" 

"My wolf is upset that she might not get to be Alpha and I know she wants it but I don't think I want to be." she leaned her head on my shoulder "Mom, I'm afraid that if I want to be the Alpha what would that mean for Luke. I just found out that I have a brother and we might be going for the same thing but I mean he has worked a lot harder to become the next heir" 

"Grace that is not for you to be worried about. Your job is to spend time with your father and enjoy it nothing else." 


"No buts," pulling her closer "First get to know your father and his family, and work on the other stuff later" 

"Okay" I knew that she would worry about it but maybe she would listen to my words and just hang with Matt and get to know him. If I knew anything about the Alphas children is it would become bloody and I didn't want that for either of them. We stayed like that until it was dinner time and Whitney called us down. 

As we were eating something caught my attention and I couldn't figure it out. Glancing up I took a small sniff and I froze, smiling like a fool I stood up and everyone looked at me weird. I walked over to Charles and Whitney and hugged them from behind. 

"Congrats big brother!!" Charles smiled and held onto Whitney's hand. Tina and Jim looked at me and then at the two and sniffed and smiled. 

"So I guess I will be a Grandmother to another" Whitney stood up and came around the table "Yes you will. We got checked out at the hospital while Hannah was getting ready to leave." 

"I'm so happy" Dad clapped his hand. 

"Now I have a cousin" Grace got up and came around the table and hugged her Uncle and Aunt. "I'm so happy for you both" 

"Will that mean that you would be doing free babysitting" Charles stated and Graces face froze and I knew that she didn't want to think about leaving anytime soon. 

"I will have to see"  with that she walked back to her seat and continued to eat. Charles looked at me and linked me. 

"Did I say something wrong" 

"To a point, she is felling conflicted about what she wants to do. Give her some time. " I stated so that everyone could hear. 

"Understand" Mom stated. With that we went back to our seats and talked about names and if they would like to have a boy or a girl. Glancing at Grace to see her smiling at something her Uncle stated and smiled. I prayed that she would continue to smile like that. 

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