Chapter 11

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Reaching the pack house where the doctor lived. Matt was yelling for the doctor while I laid Grace down on the table.

Lonnie, where are you. " Matt yelled, a small woman came in running in.

"Yes alpha" wide eye.

"Quickly" pointing to Grace. The doctor came over and checked her,

"It seems that she is not healing due to some kind of poison." I went weak in the knees, Matt held me close so that I couldn't fall.

"Is she going to be all right" I asked.

"It seems that she will be fine in a day or two." I nodded and walked over to the table and just stood there praying that she would open her eyes. I could tell that the Lonnie was talking to Matt still about the poison.

"So what are we dealing with" Matt whispered.

"It seems to slow our healing down. She was able to get by with a small dose of the poison, but if it was a deeper dose then she would have died on impact." Lonnie said while looking at Grace.

"Thanks you can leave" he said to Lonnie and with that we were alone.

"Hannah now can you talk to me" I didn't want to turn around so I just stared at Grace.

"What do you want, I rather be alone right now with my daughter." Holding my tears in.

"Whose daughter is this" he nearly growled.

"Mine!!" I growled back, turning back to him. "You are not my alpha, once she and my mother wake up I will be on the first flight back home"

He seemed to be shocked at the news "So your the woman that was coming for a family emergency."

"Yes, now that u know can you leave me with my daughter." There was a knock on the door, I knew that it was charles and Whitney.

"Come on in" once Charles busted in the room he must have not noticed Matt standing there.

"How is she" he asked. Whitney standing next to him.

"She hasn't woke up. These rogues have a poison that slows the healing so that u can't heal and will die."

"That's awful," Whitney said.

"The better question is why would she fight them." Charles asked confused.

"She was trained in combat for self defense." In the dead silent you could fell the tension. Then you hear a deep growl everyone turned around to see Matt shaking, eyes black.

"Yo alpha what wrong" Charles walked up to easily just in case he would have to shift to protect his family.

"What do you mean combat"

"I allowed her in a training session in hand to hand combat to protect herself if I'm not there." Pissed that I even told him that.

"Well you don't have to worry about that anymore." That was a matter of fact statement.

"Wrong" having enough of his attitude. "What right do you have"

With that I turned around "if you have enough respect I would like to be with my daughter." Glancing at Whitney to catch onto what I needed.

"We can do that, call us when you need us to come and pick you up." Grabbing ahold of both males, and closing the door behind them.
Turning around to look at Grace, "oh honey I need you to wake up. Mom is really lost.". With that I cried in silence.

" Matt how long are you going to ignore me about what is going on with you and my sister" Charles kept pestering me. I didn't know how I was going to tell him. Taking a deep breath I might as well tell him.

"She is my mate" looking at him to say something.

"Come again"

"Hannah is my mate, Grace is my daughter"

"So let me get this straight your my sisters mate." Nodding my head at the question.

"Grace is your daughter" nodding again. "Okay the better question I have for you why did she leave knowing you were her mate." Sounding calm.

"I rejected her" he stood up, eyes pitch black.

"You rejected her, had her leave her family cause you were to chicken to accept her." He was really pissed off. I was his alpha and nobody was suppose to disrespect him. I could understand where he was cooking from I knew why she left and didn't say anything.

"Your my alpha and I will always will have your back in a fight but as for friends......" Turning around he left the office, I sat there alone thinking what have I done. There was a slight knock on the door.

"Come in" leaning back in the chair. Ashley came in.

"Hey are you busy" she asked.

"Right now I need to find out what are these rouges are hiding and what are their plans." still not looking up.

"Matt we need to talk" I was really trying to avoid this as well.

"Okay have a seat." putting the papers down and just sat there and waited on her to go first.

"So I heard that Hannah has returned and with a pup." taking a deep breath "Is the pup yours"

"Yes" I wasn't going to be lie to since I haven't told her that I might be a father to Hannah's daughter.

"So what are your plans exactly" I could smell the fear radiating from her.

"Ashley , what are you getting at" trying to keep calm "I haven't even talked to the child, I don't even know if she even knows I'm her father and you worried about what"

"I'm sorry alpha" she lowered her head

"I'm sorry Ashley, I'm trying to work with a lot of things all at once." Getting up and walking around to comfort her, all she could do was sit in silent. When someone knocked on the door.

"Yes," Lonnie came in "Sorry alpha but the girl has woken."

with that I let Ashley go and headed toward the clinic

My Mate Rejected Me.... Now I'm PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now