- Chapter Thirteen: Doctor -

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Bobby paces the room whilst glancing every so often out of the window for the doctor Jerry knew well and had sent to the residence to examine Avery's head and dog bite. It had been at least ten minutes since Jerry had called to tell him that the doctor was on his way which was crazy considering how late it truly was, having just gone past midnight. Though the doctor still hadn't arrived and so Bobby had opted to pace impatiently by the window, his concern and guilt regarding Avery's injuries today only seeming to intensify as the minutes pass.

"Guys, I'm fine, really. This isn't necessary."

Bobby turns his head to look at Avery, his gaze subconsciously flickering to the cut on her head before finding her eyes, "yeah, well, you look like shit, Ace. Let's just check that you didn't do some serious damage, don't need you passing out on us again."

"Gee, thanks." she rolls her eyes as Jack enters the room with a glass of water and some aspirin for her pounding head. Her lips curve into a small grateful smile as she takes the aspirin before washing them down with the water with one large gulp. "Thanks, Jack." she whispers as she relaxes against the sofa cushions once more.

"How's your head?" Jack asks softly as he takes the seat beside her on the sofa, whilst resting his arm along the back of it. Avery shrugs just as a knock is heard against the front door, she watches silently as Bobby's pacing comes to an abrupt stop before he walks to the door in quick and long strides. She smiles at the older Mercer brothers concern for her health, finding his anxious behaviour quite endearing in a way. She glances to Jack as he stares off towards the front door though he clearly is unable to see anything as he continuously leans forward, she shakes her head with a soft chuckle before shuffling up the sofa to cuddle into his side.

"You okay?" he asks her with concern whilst wrapping his arm around her securely.

"I'm okay, it's just a little sore; throbbing mostly." she shrugs whilst tilting her head up to look at him, she reaches up to stroke his cheek before leaning up slowly to press her lips against his tenderly. She savours the feel of his lips on hers as his tongue runs along her bottom lip asking for entrance; entrance that her playful mood prevented her from giving him. She smirks wide and pulls back with a shake of her head, a playful glint in her eyes. "I'm a poor injured patient who needs a big strong doctor to take care of me." she murmurs suggestively as she leans close to him once more.

"Good thing I was called then, wasn't it."

The deep voice causes both heads to snap towards the living room doorway, though their brows dip at the man stood there and staring at them with a warm smile. "Carter?" Avery whispers with a confused expression.

"Why is he here?" Jack asks with a glare to Bobby, clearly not liking the fact that his girlfriend's Ex had not only interrupted them in a playful and somewhat intimate moment but was now staring at Avery intently, almost as if studying and memorising her. "Because he's a doctor," Avery mumbles in thought, her eyes still locked on Carter with rising guilt within her.

"Well, a resident technically." Carter grins before turning to look at Bobby, "Jerry called me, said something about Avery being hurt so here I am though I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, the blizzard is near impossible to drive in."

"Jerry called you?" Jack asks with a hint of betrayal and annoyance seeping into his tone causing Avery to frown.

"They are friends, Jack. Why wouldn't he call Carter?"

"I'm just here to help, man. That's it." Carter says whilst looking at Jack.

Avery watches Jack, waiting for him to at least thank Carter for rushing to come examine her, for even bothering to take Jerry's call but it never comes. Instead, he leans back against the sofa, his eyes hard as he stares at Carter with distaste. His rude and bad boy persona once more returning as though he thought it would do him or the situation any good. She lets out a heavy sigh, one of borderline annoyance and disappointment towards her boyfriend as she stands, removing herself from beside Jack's warm body to walk towards the kitchen. She stops in the doorway and turns back to Carter, "you can examine my head and the bite in the kitchen, the lightings far better and its more comfortable." she says whilst shooting a pointed look toward Jack, making sure to empathise the point that his behaviour had made the air uncomfortable in the living room.

Adore You - Jack MercerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora