- Chapter Eight: A Questionable Kill -

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Smut is in this chapter. So, if that makes you uncomfortable or ruins this story for you, then I would strongly advise that you do not read past the line 'Night Ace!'

Please bear in mind that if you choose to read past this line, then it is by your own choice, and I will not be responsible if you are left feeling upset or uncomfortable because I have warned you.

Other than that, happy reading, and please do enjoy! Also, do leave feedback below in the comments. They keep me motivated and brighten my long days.

Thanks :)

- Hannah -


Avery sits in the back of Bobby's car beside Jack as Angel and Bobby sit upfront. Their eyes are hard as they drive to the location where the party is being hosted. The party where the man who had information was said to be. At least, according to Johnny G.

Avery remains silent as Bobby pulls up outside the old building and turns the engine off. Allowing the roar of the car's engine to die out as Bobby looks at her through the rear-view mirror with concern in his eyes.

"Maybe you should sit this one out, Ace."

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