- Chapter Eleven: Okay -

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Avery hadn't said a word when the brothers returned to the car, nor did she remove her tearful gaze from looking out the window. She had simply sat still with only the occasional sniffle filling the tense air, a constant reminder that she was hurting, a reminder of her actions and the emotions she had shown so clearly moments ago.

She had simply lost her shit as Bobby would put it, her grief forcing her to act irrationally though her actions had gotten them the answers they had been seeking whilst teaching the bastard a lesson for life.

Jack had remained silent when climbing in the back seat beside her, being sure to shuffle as close to the other window as possible to give her space, knowing deep down that all she would want is some time to herself rather than him hovering and showering her with affection. He didn't want her to pull further away than she already was, he didn't want her to bottle all that she felt for his sake so, he would allow her the time and space to grieve properly in her own company. He would wait till she called to him for support, being sure to be ready with open arms when that time comes.

Bobby sighs through the tense silence, his gaze flickering to the rear-view mirror to look at Avery with a deep frown, his concern for her state of mind only seeming to urge him on to take her home before hitting the club where the shooters were supposedly likely to be at. He watches her wipe away yet another tear as she sniffles, her eyes so drained of joy and life, so broken that he can't help but to do all he can to protect her, even if she would hate him for it and argue.

"Okay," he breathes as he pulls up along a random street and turns the engine off, "we're gonna hit this club, we find the shooters and we get shit done." he says whilst glancing to his brothers. "But first we make a stop at the house to drop Avery off."

Avery leans forward with knitted brows as Jack glances to her silently, "what? No!"

"You're going home, Ace. This isn't up for discussion." Bobby tells her firmly whilst looking at her through the rear-view mirror, "we can't risk you losing your shit again, not with this, it's too important. Go home and take some time to clear your head. We got this."

Avery shakes her head defiantly as her gaze trails to Jack for help though he averts his gaze to his fidgeting fingers in his lap, finding himself agreeing with Bobby completely. He feels her frustrated and hurt eyes on him, burning holes into him until she finally orders Bobby to let her out, her voice deathly calm. He turns his head to watch her step out of the car after Bobby, her eyes scanning the area around them as she paces along the street whilst breathing heavily. Jack sighs, his head shaking as he watches Angel step out of the car too before pulling the seat forward to allow him to climb out of the back seat and back into the cold and frosty air.


"You don't get to do this! You don't get to just dump me at home while you go after the killers!"

"We are trying to protect you!" Jack suddenly shouts as he steps forward, his eyes boring into her own as he breathes heavily. "You just ran blindly after a guy without a thought about your own safety, without glancing back to check that we were there to back you up! You got attacked by a dog, you got shot at and still you're asking us to put you in danger again?!" Jack's voice trembles with emotion, his eyes filled with concern, frustration and clear hurt.

"He ran! What was I supposed to do? Wave him off?!" Avery shouts back angrily as she steps forward to Jack though a few feet still remain between the two as Bobby and Angel watch on in silence, already having known that this would happen sooner or later.

"You wait! You make sure that you are not walking into a dangerous situation alone!"

"I wasn't alone, Bobby was right behind me."

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