v. my angel girlfriend

Start from the beginning

"Go to sleep, Kkura.." she whispered. I looked back at her and kissed her lips sweetly.

"M'kay.. Good night, Chaewon.."

I have planned a really nice date today with Chaewon. We are going picnic! The weather is perfect today, it wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. It was a windy morning today.

I woke up first, Chaewon is snuggled onto me with her head resting on my chest. She is so adorable. Her lips is pouted out as if a baby with her eyes shut close.

I could feel my heart beating fast because of the mere sight of Chaewon. Damn, I really think i've officially developed a crush on her.

It's okay right? I after all felt the same way towards my past girlfriends.

I carefully slipped away from Chaewon's hold and replaced my spot with a pillow before I began my morning routine. I also prepared some clothes for Chaewon to wear. It's a yellow dress which I believe suits her alot.

After all the clothes preparations, I went to the kitchen to begin cooking for our picnic. Back when I was young, my parents would take me out on a picnic date every Sunday. I thought it'd be nice to do this as well, it wasn't sunday though but the weather is clearly perfect.

I made some sandwiches first, followed by kimbap, onigiri, sliced fruits, egg rolls and even some good 'ol pasta. I was about to pack some drinks for us when I felt slender arms wrap itself around my waist followed by a face pressed on my back.

"Good morning!" I greeted my girlfriend, glancing at her with a beaming grin. She still looked so sleepy, hair abit of a mess and now rubbing her eyes like a kid.

I understand now why she is called the Angel Girlfriend.

"I woke up without you.." She pouts her lips which made me feel so giddy. I leaned and quickly kissed her pout but felt like it wasn't enough so, I dropped a couple more kisses on her lips until I felt her smiling.

"Sorry.. well I had to pack for our date today!"

She looked at me confusedly. "Date?"

"Yes! Date. We're going on a picnic, Chaewon!" I watched her face brighten up when I told her the news about the date making me chuckle.

"We're going on a picnic date?!"

"Yes. Yes, now go get ready? I prepared some clothes for you." I caressed her cheek fondly and landed another kiss on her lips. This time, she circled her arms around my neck to pull me closer making the kiss even longer.

The kiss did last longer and I deepened it more. Nibbling her lip and a few sucks here and there. I have no experience much about kissing and I certainly am not an expert in this stuff but kissing the girlfriends I had for the past few days seem natural. Like.. like I was born for it?

Does this even make sense?

I finally pulled away after a few minutes of biting, sucking, and simply savoring Chaewon's lips on mine. I stared at how red her lips has become now making me release a laugh and her looking at me confusedly.

"You definitely wouldn't need lipstick now." I told her teasingly. She smiled shyly and lightly hit my arm before walking back to my room to change her clothes.

I stood there with a foolish smile on my lips, day dreaming about Chaewon's lips.

This was a disaster.

I said Chaewon is an angel right? Well I guess not all the time.

Definitely not when she is jealous.

The girl who simply asked me for directions left immediately, probably feeling scared at the threats and glare she got from my girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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