Christmas feels bittersweet this year. I miss you dearly as my daughter, basically one of my best friends. But you're fighting in a war that will alter the world and it's for a good cause - to win. Harry has visited though many times and he's helped me with the little garden and shoveling snow and he's helped me with baking and cooking meals. He always asks about you, and hopes you're doing well and I tell him that you're doing as best as you can out there. Daisy has been a great company for me, she always sleeps on my bed, and we watch the sunset together like you and I, she's always there and I'm grateful. Mrs. Henderson from the Italian deli in town has come to dinner with me many times through the past few years without you, and she's brought her family to the house on the weekends for dinner and it's a big feast.

For Christmas, I'm having over the Henderon's, Harry's family, the Willis' and the Smith's. Even though it is not the biggest area to celebrate the holiday, they've all chipped together because they knew you wouldn't be home for the holiday and they think families together who all have a member missing would be better to celebrate. The Henderson's son James is in the Pacific. Mrs Henderson and I always talk about how our son and daughter are in the war when we go out to eat. As you know, Harry's brother is in the 1st Army right now and the Willis' son is with the 2nd Armored. The Smith's son is with the Marines out in the Pacific. It's comforting to know that even though they don't know where you are. But I'm still proud of my baby girl. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, as warm as you can be, my love. I love you. You always have something to fight for out there, even if you feel you don't.

Love, your mother,


Hazel bit her lip to hold back the cry that wanted to escape.

" Merry Christmas, mom." she whispered, knowing that on the other side of the world she could sense it even though they weren't near. Hazel wished she could be home with her mother, but she knew to win this war, would be worth it more to be with her mother in the end.

" Hazel?" she heard a voice ask and looked up with hot tears running down her face to see it was Lip.

" Hey, Lip," she said, and wiped her nose and folded the letter up and put it away.

" You ok?" he asked and Hazel nodded. Lip slowly crouched down in front of her and then glanced over and saw Shifty asleep in the foxhole.

" I just miss my mom," Hazel managed out through a cry. Lip gently sat in the snow next to her and pulled the girl into a hug in his arms. Hazel wrapped her arms around herself as Lip held her in the warm hug he provided. She felt herself crying all she felt she could out of her body, her cries quiet, and soft as she did so, but Lip let her cry and he rubbed her back gently and held her in his warm embrace. 

She always cried around Lip; the poor guy. 

He was more of a CO than a 1st Sergeant she felt, but she'd never tell him that. She just was glad someone like Lip was always there for the men and women of the company.

" I'm sorry," she whispered, shaking her head, as tear ran down her face.

" It's ok to miss your mom, Hazel, I miss my mom. No matter where you are, you always miss your mom." Lip said as Hazel looked at him with a tiny smile. She brought a hand up to wipe away her tears, as Lip watched her with soft eyes.

" Thank you, Lip." she whispered. Lip smiled.

" Try and get some rest." Lip told her as he helped her stand to her feet.

" I definitely will." she said softly. Lip smiled before turning and walking away. She listened to the singing a little bit more, before hunkering down into the foxhole again. She slipped her weapon off her shoulder and cuddled under the blankets next to Shifty, who cuddled into her warm presence. Hazel always had horrible flashbacks on Christmas Eve, that just flittered through her vision, but she let them all but roll away for the most part now. She couldn't focus on the past. She had to focus on the present. And for the now the present was enough. Hazel smiled, as she cuddled into Shifty's side. 

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