When Catherine came upon Hazel, the girl's face was calm, even though she was straining to hold the boy's body upon her shoulders. Catherine felt relief fill her system as Hazel had to let the boy fall gently to the ground. Hazel swayed on her feet as she looked at Catherine. The two girls wrapped each other in a tight hug and Catherine had to shut her eyes, from letting out a cry.

" Hazel," a voice said and the two girls broke apart to see it was Winters and Nixon and Welsh coming towards the two.

" Sir, I know you said not to bring the body and report back, but I couldn't do that," Hazel said softly, " I couldn't leave him." Winters looked at Hazel in the early hours of the day, maybe 0300 in the morning, exhausted and tried but with the person they had initially wanted, the body they needed.

" I don't care about that, Hazel," Winters said gently to the young girl," all that matters to me is that Private Julian's family with receive his belongings." And Hazel smiled, lighting up her face softly as she did so.

" Thank you for what you did," Winters told her with a smile and Hazel's face lit up in the darkness. She nodded.

" You can head back to your foxhole, we can take care of this from here," Catherine said. She didn't want Hazel to worry about dealing with the body. She wanted Hazel to get some rest.

" Ok," Hazel said and smiled to the group before turning and heading away moving towards the foxholes. Her head felt frozen, even with the helmet on her head, and the fact it was night time , with icy blasts hitting the bare spots around her wrists. She crossed her arms over her chest and just prayed that soon she'd be under a blanket and warmed. 

Hazel slowly walked over to where she knew Liebgott and Alley's foxhole was. When she opened the tarp, she expected to see both of them sitting under there asleep. Instead Alley wasn't there, and it was just Liebgott who was awake.

" Hey, Lieb," Hazel said, and Joe looked up at the sound of her voice.

" Hazel!" Joe said, sitting forward, his eyes shining as he watched her crouch by the side of the foxhole. She grinned softly, sniffling a bit, as she looked at Joe's eyes.

" C'mere," Joe said shifting over and patting the spot beside him. Hazel slowly slid inside, crawled in beside Joe and setting her weapon to the side, before looking up at Joe with soft eyes.

" You don't know how happy I am that you're back," Joe said, watching as a smile spread on her lips.

" Were you worried, Lieb?" she said with a soft giggle watching him. Joe smirked softly at her as she looked away and adjusted her OD coat in the front of herself. Joe's smirk fell and he watched Hazel with the softest gaze. She looked cold.

" Here," Joe said, gently bringing the blanket on his body over hers a bit, covering her tiny legs and tiny body, as he gently tucked it in around her. He noticed she had looked paler and colder when she entered. Hazel slowly glanced up at Joe with a tired grin, as she adjusted beside him.

" Thanks Joe," she said, cuddling under the blanket and giving off a tiny shiver, a slight chatter of her teeth following.

" How was it?" Joe asked her, and she glanced up at him. Hazel let out a sigh and shrugged.

" Just seeing his body there," Hazel said shaking her head, " it wasn't what I expected to see. You know, I was just thinking of what his parents are going to think when they get his dog tag." Joe looked at her.

" He was only a year younger than me," Hazel said, shaking her head.

" I know I'm not the most sentimental type, Hazel, but I know when something's bothering you. You know you can talk to me, I am your best friend. I hate to think you'll keep it on your chest," Joe said as he looked her way. Hazel's heart warmed. Hazel smiled at him, and Joe noticed her dimples show up. They always did when she smiled. She curled her knees up to her chest and let out a sigh.

The Soldier of Stars [1] - Band of BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now