" You think they'll want another?" Lizzie had asked him softly in the dinner line. Chuck shrugged.

" God knows, they probably will." Chuck said, as Malarkey wandered over.

" Hey, Malark," Lizzie said.

" Hey," Malarkey said, " how are you guys?"

" Just peachy," Chuck answered.

" I'm ok, little sick, little cold, but I'll be fine." Lizzie said.

" You feeling better?" Malarkey asked her. Lizzie shrugged with sad smile.

" Not really." Lizzie said, " I'll be fine though."

" I know you will, " Malarkey said, " have you seen Mack?"

" Up at Battalion, they called for her." Chuck told him and Malarkey nodded.

" What about Babe?"

" Probably with Spina, or Bill, he wasn't doing well after it either," Lizzie said and Malarkey nodded. Even his spirit was lower. That's when Lizzie spotted Hazel coming through the fog towards the line, with color in her face, her sniper in her hands, a determined look on her face.

" Hazel." Lizzie said and Hazel looked towards her and walked over.

" You look," Lizzie paused as Hazel stopped in front of her, Chuck and Malarkey," awake?"

" CP's sending me out on a solo patrol," Hazel said quickly.

" That's what you always wanted right?" Malarkey said with a smile to the girl. Hazel nodded with a smile his way.

" That's great, Hazel," Chuck said smiling at the girl's bright eyes.

" What do they have you doing?" Lizzie asked her.

" I have to recover Private Julian's body," Hazel said and all 3 sets of eyes were on her.

" They told me I'd be best for the job," Hazel said, " and Lieutenant Welsh was pretty adamant about it being my first real use of my position. He seemed happy."

Lizzie smiled. She remembered Hazel back in Athene; that girl probably would've never done what Hazel is doing now. She liked the ambitious person Hazel was becoming or slowly transforming into.

" Hazel!" a voice said and the group of four turned to see it was Joe Liebgott coming towards her. 

" Hey, Joe," she said, as the trio watched. The man arrived at Hazel's side and looked at her.

" What's up? I heard you were at Battalion." Joe said. Hazel smiled looking at the group and then back up at Joe.

" I'm going on a solo patrol." she said, her eyes shining. Joe could see how wide her big blue eyes were. Everyone had heard of the patrol and what had happened, and about Private John Julian, but this was where Hazel's expertise would be put to use. Joe had never been happier seeing her like this.

" Stay safe alright?" Joe said as he looked at her. Hazel glanced up at him.

" Of course," she said, but Joe knew he'd still worry for her. He trusted her with his own life, but he'd always worry for her.

" Best friend privileges." Hazel said with a smile up at him, holding out her pinkie towards him. Joe watched her, a smirk growing on his face, as he latched his thumb in hers. That calmed Joe for the moment. 

When Hazel arrived at the CP at 2000, only Winters, Nixon, Catherine, and Welsh were there. She figured; the other Lieutenants had important things to do and Dike was never around.

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