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Kenadee was sitting in the hotel with Emily. She was trying to get in touch with Max but he was ignoring her. It was like he had blocked her number.

Emily toddled over to her and smiled. "Dada?" She asked.

Kenadee sighed. She had no idea how she was going to explain to Emily that Max wasn't coming back. She missed him but at the same time she hated him for what he had done. He had left her like she was nothing.

Kenadee looked at her. "Baby. Daddy isn't here anymore. But we're going back to nanny today," she said as she kissed her head.

"No nanny. Daddy."

Kenadee sighed and took her hand. "We have to go baby. We can go see auntie Neve and Amelia," she said as she kissed her head.


Kenadee looked at her and smiled. Kenadee was heartbroken over how Max had left and not said a word. He had broke her heart again. And she didn't know if she could forgive him. 

It had been a few weeks and Kenadee had been staying in the hotel with Emily. She knew that she was running out of money and that she would have to head home soon.

Kenadee knew she hadn't been feeling herself and hoped she could shift the feeling.


Kenadee sighed to herself as she stood outside of the house. She didn't want to go home to Rachel and hear her say I told you so. But she had no choice.

Kenadee knocked on the door and waited as Rachel answered. Rachel looked at Kenadee and sighed. "I told you that he would break your heart. I told you he wasn't good enough for you," Rachel said.

Kenadee sighed and nodded. "Please don't. I'm not in the mood," she said as she walked into the house. Kenadee looked at Rachel and sobbed. "He left me. I don't need you starting on me."

Rachel looked at her and smiled. "I'm sorry love," she said as she pulled kenadee into a hug.


Kenadee felt numb. And she hated how Max had left her like she was nothing. Kenadee didn't know how she was going to move on. How she was going to be happy without Max. How she could try and be the best mum to Emily.

Max had not only left her. But left Emily too. And Kenadee knew that he wasn't coming back. She couldn't forgive him for it.


Kenadee walked into Neve's room with Emily. Emily climbed on the bed. Neve smiled. "Come here," Neve said.

Kenadee walked over to Neve and sat on the bed. Kenadee sighed as the tears stung her cheeks. Neve held her close. "Shall I kill him?" Neve asked.

Kenadee smiled and laughed. "I'll do it myself if I see him. I can't believe he has done this to me. It's all a mess and now I'm alone and it's all screwed up," Kenadee said.

Neve looked at her and frowned. "What do you mean? You can talk to me Ken. You can tell me anything. I'm your sister and you know you can tell me anything," Neve said.

Kenadee looked at her. "I-I think I'm pregnant..."

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