Chapter 2: An Unfortunate Encounter

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Running. I was running.

No, let me rephrase that: I was trying to run, damn it! I silently spat nasty curses at the ever-so-intelligent engineer who ingeniously placed balance beams onto his blueprint of Route 22, as I pumped my legs as hard as humanly possible.

It wasn't just the engineer I'm cursing, though. How, how could I have been so stupid?! Without thinking, I had jogged my way past the piers of Humilau and onto Route 22, to make my way towards the Giant Chasm. I froze in place at the top of the staircase I just climbed, as my rash mistake dawned upon me.

"Oh, Arceus! I just straight up passed the Center!" I muttered viciously, starting to backtrack. My Pokémon need to be healed after those brutal battles on the Frigate. Sure, it was going out of my way for a minute but forgetting such a vital thing at a time like this was suicide. I better hurry and make sure my friends were in good health. We had to be prepared for our next encounter!

But alas, in my hurried rush, I had overlooked my intended destination entirely.

Of course, the universe decided to have a sense of humor at the worst possible time. As I sped down the stairs, I became startled by a group of people who suddenly rushed towards me, seemingly out of nowhere. I swallowed my reflexive scream of shock once I realized who they were. It was the very same group of people I was trying to stop. Damn it, of course it was!

"Team Plasma!" I snarled with unchecked venom, as they tightened their circle around me. Why now? I was so close to the piers of Humilau! My frustration must have shown on my face, as the icy blue eyes of the grunts laughed in delight at their rare and valuable catch. I thought they were all on their accursed frigate!

These aren't just your average group of thugs, though. Oh, no. This was an evil cult that attempted to liberate Pokémon from humans two years ago, using fear and manipulation as their primary weapons. At the beginning of my very own journey as a Trainer, I discovered that they had been suddenly reborn, after they were thought to be disbanded. And now, once again, they were slowly infecting the region with their new found hunger for domination. Apparently, kicking their asses on Route 21 earlier just wasn't good enough for them— they simply departed to the Giant Chasm to execute their plan.

What plan, you may say? Glad you asked! Only to freeze the entire Unova region solid.

Psychotic means aside, the one time I just happen go a few hundred yards past the Center and they decide to ambush me now?! I wanted to scream at my bad luck.

Furious, my eyes locked onto theirs with unmasked contempt. I've come to despise those stupid black suits with the Plasma logo, those bandanas that covered their faces, and those midnight caps with crisscrossing white stripes that ominously resemble bones. In true Plasma style, their ginger red hair glittered in the shining sun. Hatred filled my eyes as the four grunts— two male, two female— managed to trap me against the stairs, their laughs unsympathetic and tinged with glee.

Ugh. I guess it's only appropriate that those who resemble pirates would have managed to capture me close to a beach front.

"Well, well! It seems like we managed to stop the pest before she reached the Chasm after all! What luck!" One female sneered as her colleagues chuckled in delight. Undisguised outrage burned within me for this maleficent group. Not only have they consistently targeted me throughout my journey, but they had also hurt the ones I love. Not just my Pokémon, but also a very dear friend of mine and his sister...

"Of course," I snarled. "I should have known. Only Team Plasma would resort to something this low. Ganging up on me when I'm alone, and while my Pokémon are still drained from—"

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