57. A Blast to victory

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General Woong Ja and his troops have set out early before sunrise.

The King orders, "Be cautious. Don't forget your orders. Don't get into unnecessary fights."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Yoon-gi watches their departure.

He asks, "Jimin, have you made the purchase?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

IU is staring to a distance. She looks troubled.

Yoon-gi asks, "What's wrong?"

IU shakes her head. The King has a lot in his mind. No need to bother him right now. He couldn't do anything even if he knew the truth.

She has walked back into her tent. Two agents are waiting for her arrival.

She asks, "Are you sure about them?"

"Yes. They are here in Namseo."

"Find them. Don't let them mess up the tides of this war."

Her agents have left her tent. She stretches her neck. Too much tension.

She walks out of her tent.

Yoon-gi is standing not too far from her tent as if waiting for her. He stares her while thinking about her wish.

Namseo Kingdom is her birth place. Coming back here again. Must be painful memories for her. How much have she suffered in the past? Being a leader of an evil organization isn't an easy feat.

IU walks toward him. He smiles to her. She pretends to remain calm.

She asks, "Your Majesty, what are you thinking?"

"I'm hoping things would go smoothly for Woong Ja. That guy got distracted quiet easily."

"Have more faith on him."

"You looked troubled earlier. Something happened?"

"It's nothing. Maybe I'm just worried too much."

Yoon-gi asks, "Would you like to walk with me?"

"It's my pleasure, Your Majesty."

They are hiking the nearest hill. As usual, his bodyguards are guarding him closely.

Yoon-gi says, "I shall never get used to them. Having them around me. To think I used to travel alone in my younger days. Sky as my ceiling. Grass as my carpet."

IU chuckles. He must be the first King who complained for having luxuries in his life.

Yoon-gi smirks.

He comments, "You got a pretty smile. You should smile often."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

They keep on walking. Silence feels comfortable among them.

Finally they reach the top of the hill.

Yoon-gi orders, "Nam Joon, leave us."

"Your Majesty, we can't..."

"Well, walk a bit further. Give us a bit privacy."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Jimin has finally arrived with a picnic basket. He is the last in their line earlier. He is catching his breath right now.

Yoon-gi says, "You should work out more, Jimin. You are such a slowpoke. When we got back, I shall train you personally."

"Your Majesty, please spare me. Your training methods might kill me."

The Savage King (Min Yoon-gi)  CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now