Turning Point

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At Soona's Apartment

"Hey, did you turn the oven on?" Kai asked Soona.
"Not yet, I thought Soobin did."
"Oh sorry, I got distracted by making the Sandwich's." Soobin apologized looking guilty.

"You and Soobin do the sandwich's me and Kai will make the cake." Yena pats our backs and stands next to Kai.

"I think those two like each other." I whispered to Soobin.

"Me too." He chucked as he took the knife and applied to mayonnaise.

SN:"What other food are we making later?"
SB: "We have to make Tteotbokki and Bibimbap."
SN:" Yena and Kai, you two should do the Tteotbokki as well; we will do the BiBimbap."
YN:" Sure thing!"

"What's that?" Soona asks, seeing Soobin open a container of something similar to mayonnaise.
"Blue cheese."
"No! No! Don't put that!" Soona takes the jar and throws it away.

"Why?!" He looks shocked by her sudden actions.
"Blue cheese is disgusting!" She makes a face and continued making the sandwhichs. Meanwhile, Soobin tried to regain his focus.

At Yeonjun's

"Do you want to watch a horror movie?" Yeonjun asks to point toward the screen.

"Horror? You like them too? Sure." Beomgyu says, sitting beside him on the couch.
"Let's watch this one." He clicks the button on the remote and the movie began to play.

At first it didn't seem scary until the jump scares started and Yeonjun was becoming scared.
"Ah!" He suddenly jolted up and backed down, making Beomgyu laugh.

"Yah, it's not that scary." Beomgyu says, laughing; his eyes focus back on the screen, and he suddenly becomes shocked by the figure on the net.
"I told you." Yeonjun teased.

"Whoever gets scared the most has to prank call Yena or Soona." Beomgyu challenges.

"Deal! but what's the prank?" Yeonjun asks.
"How about, we tell them that we are dating." Beomgyu suggested, and Yeonjun's eyes widened. He was taken back by the sudden words that left his mouth.

"D-Dating? I can't imagine their reaction." Yeonjun stuttered out.
"It's just the prank, anyways we should watch the movie." Beomgyu focused back toward the scenes.
Yeonjun was trying hard to focus but was too distracted by the words Beomgyu said earlier.

He felt conflicted, did he really want to do such a prank? He felt it would cause tensions besides; wouldn't it make things awkward?

Beomgyu suddenly jumped again in his spot, making Yeonjun snap out of his thoughts.
"You're going to lose." Yeonjun says, teasing him; he was trying to return to himself.

"I won't!" Beomgyu says with confidence.

"Hey don't put that there either." Soona takes the olives out of Soobin's hands.
"Why?" He says, watching her throw them away.

"Oliver's are not good.." She says, looking at him; he was pouting.

"Just one sandwich." He holds his index finger up with hopes.

"No." She says and returns working hard.

"Wow Soona, no shame." Yena clicked her tongue watching the two.
"I wonder what the others are doing." Yena asks out of the blue.

"Me too. Should I text them?" Soona asked.

"Let's text them after we finish our current tasks." Yena says she took the vanilla frosting and began to apply it to the cake with the help of Kai.

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