Marriage talks(chap 19)

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Aditya's pov

"yeah that's what I am saying I am getting married to Maya "I confirmed it third time on call.
"How did you managed to do that I am scared of Aditi how will I inform her she will kill both of us"Rohan said and I laughed.
"Stupid just say it to her "I said.

"Ohk..then when are you getting married"he asked.
"In a week or two"I said.
"That's too early"he said.
"I'll explain it to you later now I am getting late to see my sweetheart"I said.
"Enjoy buddy best of luck "he said.
"Ohk then meet you tomorrow bye"I said.
Then I hanged the call and wore my watch.

I am very excited to see Maya ....I will make sure to win her heart one day... I will love her so much that she will forget what wrong happened between us and she will accept me too.
I reached my parents house and they were ready as I expected and they sat in my car.

"Adi beta you never said us when and how you met Maya "my mom asked waiting for my reply patiently.
"She was in my college I was her senior at that time we fell in love with each other "I said...I know it is half lie.. because I didn't loved her at that time.

"Oh my god that long and you are saying it today, you started to hide things from me,I am upset with you"she said.
"So sorry mom but now I am saying it right....and I am making your dream come true of having a daughter in law"I said.

"Ohk no problem I forgave you"she said.
"You brought gifts right adi"my dad said.
"Yes dad I did"I said.
Soon we reached her house and we got down from car...her house was very beautiful with garden outside full of beautiful flowers.
I ringed the door bell and her mother opened the door.

But my eyes were searching Maya...she is still upset with me I want to make sure to lift up her mood so mom doesn't find out that something is wrong.

Maya's pov

I was getting I doing right. And to add more nervousness to which I already had,doorbell rung.
I lastly checked my self and sat on the bed... because my mom will call me then only I will go down.
They seemed so happy what they met Aditya ....he looked a nice person to them..but if he is a nice guy then why did he do that....was he drunk or was he out of his mind.
A tear escaped from my eye...even if I am getting married to the person which I dreamed of but why am I not satisfied.
Will I be able to handle him after our marriage.
I wanted someone to talk to me...Aditi.
Omg..I am in great trouble....did I just forgot to tell Aditi this can never happen I shared each and every detail of my life with her and I forgot this thing.
As soon as they will leave I will make sure to call Aditi.
I heard a knock on the door and checking my self I opened the door to find my mom.
She put her hand on my cheek and said " you are looking very beautiful beta"I smiled at her compliment and she took me downstairs.
Each step I took I was getting more nervous.
And we reached downstairs and our eyes met.
He was looking very handsome as always....stop it Maya don't fall for his charms again.
I sat in front of him and my mom sat beside me.
"I must say your daughter is really beautiful"aditya's mother said.
I just smiled a little and so did my mother.
"So we should discuss about the dates and rituals"my dad started the conversation.
"Yeah sure Aditya said that we have to do it next week right"his dad said.
"Yeah because her dadi has some health issues that's why she wanted it to be early"my dad said.
"So let's keep the engagement ceremony at the end of this week that is after 4 days then we will continue with other functions we want a grand wedding as I only have one son"his dad said and chuckled a bit.
Such a beautiful family her mother and father seems so good.
"Yeah we also have only one daughter and we want the same"papa said.
"Beta you both can go and talk if you want we will discuss other things"his mom said.
And my mom said yes.
He got up and gave his hand to me.
I didn't wanted to create a scene so I gave my hand in his and we got out of the house in garden .So that they can
discuss things further.

"Maya what happened to you I know I made you unhappy but at least smile for parents will think that there is something wrong"he said.
"Everything is wrong aditya.... everything,and why would I fake smile when I am not happy..did you left any chance in my life to smile..."I said angrily.
"Will you ever forgive me?"he asked.
"Never"I replied instantly.
He was about to say something and I got a call, was Aditi.
Shit I am done.
I picked up the call.
"When are you thinking to tell me girl"she said.
"What should I said adi"I said.
"How come are you even marrying that idiot"she said.
"Adi I will explain everything to you.. please try to understand"I said.
"Maya he has already done everything bad now what is remaining"she said angrily.
"Adi I will explain everything to you, tomorrow meet me at coffee shop"I said.
"Ohk I will wait bring your Romeo too, I will talk to him "she said.
"He won't come"I said looking at Aditya who staring at me.
He snatched phone from my hand and said "ill be there aditi" and hanged the call.
"How dare you"
"I will be there with you"he said handing me the phone.
After an hour we got In and had food and then they left.
Tomorrow is gonna be a big will I be able to control aditi.

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