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Maya Malhotra

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Maya Malhotra

Maya is a soft-spoken, kind-hearted girl in her first year of college. She's new to campus life but has quickly gained admiration for her gentle nature and sincerity. Raised in a close-knit family, Maya values her relationships deeply, especially with her best friend, Aditi. She's the type of person who always puts others first, even at the cost of her own happiness. However, beneath her sweet exterior, there's a quiet strength—one that will be tested when her world turns upside down. Maya has strong morals and always tries to do the right thing, but her heart tends to overrule her head, especially when it comes to matters of love.

 Maya has strong morals and always tries to do the right thing, but her heart tends to overrule her head, especially when it comes to matters of love

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Aditya Chopra

Aditya is the classic bad boy everyone loves to hate—or secretly admires. As the future CEO of his father's thriving business, Aditya has it all: looks, money, and charm. With a magnetic presence, he turns heads wherever he goes. But underneath the confident, almost arrogant facade, there's a deeply wounded young man who hides behind his playboy reputation. Aditya enjoys the thrill of chasing girls, never intending to settle down, at least not until he meets someone who turns his world upside down. He's used to getting what he wants, but when he realizes that love is not a game, will he be too late to fix the damage he's caused?

 He's used to getting what he wants, but when he realizes that love is not a game, will he be too late to fix the damage he's caused?

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Aditi Sharma

Aditi is Maya's fun-loving, bubbly best friend. She's the life of the party, with a heart of gold. While she enjoys admiring cute boys and daydreaming about romance, she's never actually dated anyone. Aditi is loyal to the core, always standing by Maya's side, offering advice and support, even if it sometimes comes across as blunt. She is Maya's protector, always warning her about boys like Aditya. Aditi can be a bit naïve when it comes to love, but she's more than happy to live vicariously through Maya's experiences—until, perhaps, she has her own unexpected encounter with love.

 Aditi can be a bit naïve when it comes to love, but she's more than happy to live vicariously through Maya's experiences—until, perhaps, she has her own unexpected encounter with love

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Rohan Khanna

Rohan is Aditya's best friend and partner in crime, but he's much less reckless when it comes to relationships. While Aditya jumps from girl to girl, Rohan is more of a flirt who enjoys the attention but isn't emotionally detached. He's sweet, caring, and always ready to lend a hand, making him a bit of a contrast to Aditya. His easygoing nature makes him popular among girls, but he's not looking for anything serious—at least not yet. Rohan values his friendship with Aditya but sometimes struggles with the choices Aditya makes, particularly when it comes to Maya. He may be a playboy in his own right, but Rohan has a moral compass that will come into play as the story unfolds.


Hope you like the characters ❤❤❤

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