Twist in the game

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"There here" i heard jake scream i lookde at mike confused

"who's here?" i asked him and he shrug his shoulders looking towards the door

"lets go check" i said getting up from the couch walking towards jake he was staring at the huge computer screen talking to himself

"who are they?" i asked after seeing who he was talking about

"they are the rogues who been following you" he said tapping on the key board thing i looked at the screen to see at least 20 or so stnading in front of the cave screaming, i didnt know what they were saying cause they were on mute

"make the volume louder" i said tapping jakes back he pressed a few keys then i could hear them

"we know your in there...come out!" the one in front screamed he looked to be the leader of this little pack

"AHA!" screamed jake making me jump

"What the hell!" i slapped him on his back and he let out a squiel

"sorry, but i have figured out who he is" he said excitedly i looked at the small window he put up to reveal all the information about him

"that is william?" i asked looking at the picture with his name on it

"yup" he said poping the 'p' i heard foot steps behind me

"who's that?" asked kira looking at the screen

"william" i heard her gasp

"thats william?" she asked shocked and i nod still looking at the same picture

"oh my...this is not good" i nod agreeing with her the man in the picture the one standing outside this cave is the one and only

"dad?" we turned around to see a very confused looking mike

"why do you have my dads picture up there?" he asked looking confused

"and you got his name wrong his name is Lukas" he said looking at jake i looked back at jake to see him nod confirming my theory i turned to mike and slowly made my way over

"mike...that is not your father" i said he looked at me his eyebrows furrow

"that is my it?" he asked looking at me pleading me to say yes it broke my heart

"no its not...its his twin brother" i said and he looked at me his face clear that its not possible but it is true he is his fathers twin brother, when he was 16 he almost killed lukas and so the pack had no choice but to ban him from their pack and ever since then he been seeking revenge on him and his family

"it cant be" he said shaking his head

"my father never mentioned a twin" he said looking at the screen

"its all right there....all the reason of why they never mention him, of what he did...everything is in there" i said pointing to the computer he looked at me his face was torned between shock and disbelief 

"i wanna meet him" he said

"mike i do-" i didnt get to finish what i was saying cause he turned to me and let out a growl

"i want to meet him" my wolf whimpered while i wanted to just throw him to the rogues

"dont ever growl at me" i said then turned around towards the door followed by kira, silo, jake, and mike 

"where the hell is james?" i heard kira grumble under her breathi ignored them and opened the door going out first

"come out!" screamed williami rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh

"we're here so shut it" i said walking towards the entrance of the cave where they stood he stopped screaming and looked at me smirking

"amy" he said slightly nodding his head i just rolled my eyes and folded my arms under my breast glaring at the cave wall to my right while mike made his was closer looking at him

"well well dear ol' nephew!" he said fake enthusiasm in his voice

"so its true" asked mike

"ahh u see he didnt tell you about me" he said amused i just rolled my eyes again such a fake person

"what do you want with my luna?" he asked thats when i turned to look at him his smile brighten a bit

"oh im not after your luna dear boy" he said amused i raised my eye brow at that

"well what do you want?" asked kira stepping forward william turned to look at me his smirk displaying on his face as he let out an evil laugh

"i want her" he said pionting at me and i stood there shocked at this sudden change of game then mike let out a defencive growl and came to block my path

"why?" he asked still blocking me from veiw

"its none of your buisness" he said snapping at him

"you cant have her" said kira standing near me too followed by silo i felt like i was a weak, deafencless and at the same time happy that they cared to put their life ahead of mine

"over my dead body" said mike at the same time as kira

"Oh my dear nephew that can be arranged...would you like to be buried with your father? or your friends?" he asked looking at kira and silo smiling smugly they let out a growl i can see that mike is about to go wolf so i held his shoulder

"dont listen to him his only provoking you" i said softly trying to sooth him and his wolf

"meet us at the valley at dusk if you ever want to see your friend alive" he said then they brought james out two of the rogues dragged his limp body over to the front we all growled

"oh his still alive....for now" he said then they started to move back william had a saticfied look on his face as he slowly made his way towards the forest but before he disappeared he reminded us of what is at stake here

"her...for him" he said pointing at me and to james then he was gone everyone turned around screaming about what just happened but i already made up my mind i can do this, i been kicking their ass's for the past two days on my own so i can do this, its gonna take some time but i know they will follow after i let them argue while i went in to the office to get ready.

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