Live or Die

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Take baby steps and don't give up! Keep moving in the right direction. Trust yourself and your abilities. Just because something didn't yet work out as planned, doesn't mean it won't work out. There is always a way and you can't lose unless you give up.


My father always told me "son there are times when things get hard and all you want to do is just give up, but let me tell you something, and you better remember it, we all go through trying times it's how you handle these times that truly shows how much of a fighter you are" he said that before my test for the omegas, the same day they were murdered, his words are forever in my head and my heart, his motivation was the one keeping me going, his heart was so full of joy and happiness than a man can ever have everytime you see him his always has a smile on  his face, even when things get serious he still smiled and jokes about it, growing up with him by my side was everything any kid could ask for, being his first born he was always there for me, giving me courage when i needed it the most he knew what i needed when even my self didnt know it, and now....his gone and when i need him the most his gone, but i know his looking down at me giving me some of his courage and keeping me sane cause i know there is something out there waiting for me, if i dont die on my way there i shruddered at the thought 'over there' said the big one and we looked at the place he was looking at it was beautiful the place looked like paradise but the problem was it was marked teretory 'we're going there?' i asked a little confused 'yes' he said looking at me 'is there a problem?' he asked 'its a marked teretory' i said a little confused 'so?' he said and i looked at him 'well' 'shut up and follow us' he said and started walking towards it, i was shocked so i stood there my wolf telling me no and then the big oaf screaming at me to get over there, but then all went quiet, and then the scent hit me blueberry mix with a hint of vanilla and pine then i heard the big oaf scream 'kill them' then my wolf howled 'protect mate' he said and i started running after them i was so thrilled to have finally found my mate now i have something to fight for, i was chasing them throught the woods but they were ahead of me so i decided to try and cut them off so i started to run a short cut since shes my mate i have the better smell then them so i followed her sent till we all stood in front of them and she was beautiful, her white fur mixed with a hint of black and he purple eyes showing she was a half witch, same as my mothers eyes and not alot of people know about this, then i heard a growl from her an dman was it sexy and i saw another wolf with her but this was slightly bigger than her and radiated power 'his must be the alpha' said the big oaf making it known that his here, then my wolf took over and jumped to protect them but the powerful one jumped on me making me fly to hit the big tree then i was out.

I woke up feeling my back hurting like hell then i was confused then everything hit me and i turned around to see them  standing there but now there were alot of wolfs around so i cower a sign of submition but there was also another wolf with power not as strong as the other one who flung me, this is my chance to be free "p-p-lease dont hurt me" i said stutering showing them that i mean no harm then the powerful one walked towards me and i cower into the tree then she shifted she was beautiful "i wont hurt you" she said softly then she came towards me and i heard a growl but she seemed like she didnt hear it "whats your name?" she asked and i looked at her afraid of her power but she seemed so nice so i decided to be honest with her "mike" then she smiled "my name is kira" she said and i thought wow what a unique name "why are you with them?" she asked using her head to point out the dead rogues i didnt want them to kill me cause i was with them so i just moved my head to my knees if their going to kill me then i dont want to look at them i rather die not knowing "dont worrie no ones gonna hurt you" she said her voice showing that she ment it "take my hand and i will make sure you'll be taken care of, i promise" she said and i looked at her hand that she had outstretched towards me then she gave me a warm smile then i saw movement behind her to see my mate staring at me probably feeling the connection but not knowing what it is "dont worry about them they wont harm you not if im here to protect you" she said i felt her honesty her compasion and so thats why i gave her my hand and she gave my hand a little squeeze to assure me im safe then she slowly stood up and i followed her then she turned to her alpha "I Kira Rose Joseph take full reasponsibility of mike" then someone growled but she ignored it then they all shifted and someone started screaming at her "what the fuck are you thinking kira? huh? his a fucking rogue!" he said and i flinched at his tone this is an alpha well soon to be then she stood in front of me then growled at him and i was shocked woah she must be really powerful to be standing up to her alpha's and not get pains "dont you dare growl at me" he said then the alpha spoke up " silo she has made her decition let her be" he said so calm then he blew up on his father "i dont agree with this, you cant accept this" he said and i flinch again "i have and its done" said the alpha so calm and collected it was like silo wasnt screaming at him then her turned and shifted and left followed by the other wolfs and i was guessing they were the omega's then he turned towards me but was blocked by kira who was still infront of me then he said "this is not over" then he shifted and left i turned to look at my mate who looked so confused then she pulled kira aside then they spoke i looked at her mesmorized by her beauty then she sighed and turned to me "fine then, I Amy Nina Knight take full responsibility with Kira Rae Joseph to mike" i felt the power of protection coming on to me and i wanted to laugh i was a man an omega and i have two powerful wolfs protecting me but i held it in instead i was reapeating my mates name in my head "well mike i guess you'll be stuck with us from now on!" i looked at them a little freaked i wasnt sure if i said her name out loud or they read my mind "dont worry we're your protectors now" said kira and i calmed cause i didnt say ti out loud "well lets get you to our house and get you cleaned"i looked at my self and i was covered in blood so i didnt object to that i need a shower badly too "i can tell that we are gonna be great friends!!" said kira you have no idea how close i said in my head looking at my mate who was still looking uncomfortable maybe trying to guess what the feeling were, just wait till i touch her i thought and that put a smile on my face.

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