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Dear family,

There are no words to explain how happy i am to finally have it completed, but as every family there is always a problem that comes with it, a few days ago i found out that we had a traitor in our pack, i do not want to say names cause there are probably some that are still there, but the others are now after me, i just wished it lasted longer instead of a few days, but i do not regret any of it, it was the best days of my life as for mike his not with me i drugged him and put him in the guest room tied up, he wont wake up till tomorrow and i advice you let him be tied up in case he tries to follow me, and please don't follow me its too risky and i don't want to hear someone got captured or have died, as for me im fine some where safe again im not saying iincase of traitors, kira i know your pissed off right now but i need you to be calm and think rational and be safe under the triplets, and silo watch out for her and the triplets and my mate, and the family, as for the traitors you will know...kira.I will write back when i can, i love you all so much, hope to see you all.

I finished reading the letter and crample is in my hands feeling my blood boil "a traitor?" asked silo confused and i was shaking so bad about to go wolf, my wolf screaming at me to give her control so she can find the traitors who are responsible for this and bring back our sister but i couldnt give her control cause she is seeking for blood and she will murder everyone of them 'not now' i told her silo was now pacing "who the hell would be doing this to our family" he asked getting mad i stll stood at the same place shaking he noticed me fighting with my wolf so he came over and held me "relax kira, its gonna be ok" he said trying to calm me down but i gave half of the control to my wolf "it will be ok, once im done with them all" i said he looked at me "remember what amy said think rational" he said reminding me and i growled "why would she say be safe under the triplets?" asked silo and i knew what she was talking about i walked out towards my kids room silo following me i walked in to my kids room to see them playing on their matt with aiden and chrissy i smiled at them not giving away my mood but aiden caught my eyes and sent me a mind link 'whats wrong?' 'call the others except the the new comers' i said and he nods i check under my kids bed and saw an envelope under iti took it out looking at it till i felt my some one grab my leg i looked down to see my sira climbing uo my leg i smiled and pick her up "hi baby girl" she smiled adn smack my facei walked over to the matt they were in and set her down and sat next to them waiting for the others to join us.

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