Finally at peace

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My wolf flickered his ear as we heard that beat, then a familliar shock of electricity flowed through us hitting every nerve and bone then shock of electricity ran through my side soft hands slowly stroking my side we open out eyes to see our mate smiling down at us we lifted out head to see her looking at us as the electric feeling ran through our fur

"have i ever told you how handsome you are in wolf form?" she asked her musical voice rang in my ear as we stared at the most amazing creature alive out tail started to wack on the bed as excitement and disbelief ran through us as she smile watching us my wolf started to lick her face and she let out the most amazing sound i've ever heard...the sound of her laugh

"ok ok!" she said looking at my wolf smiling

"may i please see mike" she said smiling at my wolf he didnt want to shift but since our mate asked he couldnt deny her anything so he shifted i shifted butt naked laying on her, her smile faded a bit then she lifted her hand to my cheek using her thumb to make small cyrcles

"your even more handsom in person" she said in a whisper i let out a lop sided smile as i look down at her

"please tell me this isnt a dream" i said looking at her worried that it might be a dream

"if it is dont waste your time asking questions and just enjoy the moment" she said looking at me her hand still on my cheeki felt a shot of sadness ran through me but i pushed it aside if its a dream then i shall enjoy it and when i wake up i will deal with the loss i leaned down slowly watching her slowly close her eyes as i crashed my lips to hers, the feeling so real i could taste her i could feel her touch as they ran from my cheek to my neck feeling the familliar sparks now stronger i kissed her slowly and passionately i pulled away looking at her beautiful blue eyes

"i miss you my love" i confessed and she gave me a small sad smile

"i miss you too" she said looking at me i blinked a couple of times to force the tears away

"i just wish you and our pup were here" i said looking at her then a single tear fell she wipped my eyes and smiled

"we are here love" she said her hand on my cheek as she looked at me with a smile on her face

"no i mean here alive and well" i said clarifying my words she let out a laugh

"we are" she said looking at me amused i furrow my eye brows looking at her confused

"why do you think this shock is for " she said using her pointer finger to run it on the side of my face as i felt the shock i looked at her hand and down at her smiling face

"its here" she smiled

"and so is our pup" she said looking down my eyes were wide as soucers as i stared at my mate not believing what she was telling me

"but how?" i asked

"When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, no one can ever tear them apart" she said looking at me i dont know what she just said but i didnt ask as i crashed my lips to hers again happier than ever i kissed her hard but slowly

"im sorry but i forgot my -GREAT BALLS OF FIRE" i turned to see the witch standing on the door way her eyes wide as she looked at me on top of amy....naked then amy lifted her head and looked at me 

"did you just say you forgot your great balls of fire?" she asked then the witch fainted amy pushed me aside she was gonna get up but then she stopped and started to scream in pain

"amy!" i rushed to her side looking at her as she screamed

"my stomach" she said i looked down to her stomach and it was slowly healing but when we're healing it doesnt hurt unless

"the baby" she said confirming my thoughts then she screamed again

"whats with all the sc- amy?!" i looked towards the door to see kira looking at amy her eyes wide mouth agape

"kira help me" i screamed to her she looked at me then probably realize that amy was screaming she shook her head and bent down smaking the witch with such force you could her her hand connection with the witches face SMACK she awoke in shock looking at kira then she turned to us 

"HELP" amy screamed and they went into action pushing me aside as they study amy

"what hurts?" asked kira looking at amy

"her stomach hurts" i answered them the witch went to her stomach seeing the now healing wound

"mike where is the sword?" she asked then i jumped down the bed grabbing it

"here" i said raising it

"bring it here" she said raising her hand i gave it to her

"put this on" said kira i turned to see her throwing another shorts at me i grabbed them and put them on

"mike hold her top half kira hold her bottom half" said the witch as i went behind amy holding her hands to her chest

"hold her tight...and mike" she looked at me

"no matter what just try to hold her remember im trying to save your child" she said i nod not knowing what she was saying but i did try to remember she was helping

"same to you kira" she said looking at kira who was holding down amys legs she nods then the witch raised the sword above amy's stomach as she chanted some words then slowly used the tip of the sword to go in the wound as amy screamed even harder trying to get out of our hold

"i know it hurts amy but hang in there" she said slowly entering the sword in her i wanted to tackle her but i had to remind me and my wolf that its to save our pup

"there" she whispered and started chanting half the sword in amy's stomach then all of the sudden a black smoke started to rise in the sword i started at it shocked as the smoke started to fill the sword amy's scream subside's as she took long breaths then the witch pull it the sword out throwing it to the floor she was breathing hard

"are you ok?" asked kira looking at the witch she closed her eyes then breathed in and exhaled then she opened her eyes and nod

"yeah" she said looking at amy who is now just breathing

"your son inhaled alot of the dark magic and it was slowly killing him but the good thing is that he doesnt have magic in him to purswade him" she said amy nods

"so his gonna be ok?" asked amy and she nods

"he will be just fine" said the witch smiling at her and she nods i sat there in shock

"did you just say son?" i asked looking at the witch and she froze and looked at me

"oh...i ment it" she said looking at amy, amy laughed and shook her head

"its alrite" then she looked up at me smiling

"yes we're having a boy" she said looking at me to say that i was excited was an understatment i was overjoyed beyond words nothing can compare what im feeling right now, everything was perfect i was holding my mate alive and well also expecting a son with her surrounded by family friends and loved one's what more can i ask for? what more can anybody who is lucky as me ask for in this perfect world? my answer would be...nothing....nothing at all, cause everything i've always wanted are right here in front of me, love, friendship, and family.

 ~A/N: Well here is the ending! Im gonna load the eprologue to just give you an idea of how they doing, but this is the end of Broken history! I was thinking about doing a nuber three...not sure but if you guys agree please do say so! I would like to thank all the readers, you been such wonderful support as i tackle two books at a time, your support means a whole lot to me! With your support you motivate me to write, to think of new idea's and to make my stories perfect for you and im glad you all sticked by me through it all...although we're all strangers to each other i will never forget the support you all have given me, to inspire me to try something new so my dear readers.....Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!!!! :)

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