How dare you!

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I was torned between my feelings, i wanted to be happy for her and worried too, Silo is kira's mate the soon to be alpha was her mate i breathed out a huge breath silo may be the soon to be alpha but his jerk, but also a very kind man but i cant help but feel some what relived and worried, there was just something in the air that made this situation a little ghastly, i dont know which is it but i had to at least help them out i know he knows cause i didnt miss the way he looked at her so this wasnt going to be hard, i already dropped off kira at the play ground and was on my way back to school to get silo i was driving like crazy due to my nerves as i reached the school i didnt even bother to park at the parking lot i just parked my car in front and jumped out running in to the school hallways looking frantically for silo, but i couldnt find him then i was on my way back to my car when i saw one of taylors friends i walked up to her and i saw her cower away "where is silo?" i asked she looks at me her face showing fear "w-with t-taylor" she said stuttering "where?" i asked my voice coming out menacing "hishouse" she said so fast "thanks" i said annoyed then i ran to my car and drove off like a bullet towards his house i reached the front gates to see the security guards sitting in the booth "how may i help you?" he asked looking at me "let me in" i said using my powers on him and he stared at me but his hand went to the button to open the gate then i sped in to see silo walking up the stairs but he stopped when i pulled in the drive way and got out "go to the play ground near the river in excatly an hour or i will be back to drag you there" i said then i got in my car and sped off not letting him say anything, i drove around not knowing where to go i looked at the time and it was only half an hour so i decided to drive around for a little while then head back to the play ground to see what has happened.

Half an hour later i was driving down the road towards the pay ground, the same eerie feeling ran up my spine and i shrudder please please be alright i said in my head 'you better get there fast' said my wolf and i stepped on it 'what happened?' i asked but she didnt say anything, and i was getting worried i pulled over at the side of the play ground when i saw her huddled in a fetal position on the sand not moving and i panicked i ran over and slid on the sand next to her and i moved her towards me "kira?!" i touched her skin and she was cold and pale, i carried her in my car and laid her in the back seat and sped off to the hospital, i parked in front of the hospital and carried her in as soon as i walked in i saw alot of nurses and doctors around but i didnt trust any human doctors so when a human nurse ran up to  me i growled at her and she backed away looking frightened "i want Dr. Joseph" i said "shes not in today" "get me someone who works with her" i said and she ran towards someone at the counter and whispered something and looking at us he turned around and saw us and ran over "amy" he said and looked at kira "whats wrong?" "i dont know" i said and he nods and got a stretcher "sont worried i got her" i nod and let Dr. hemming take her, we only met him once at the dinner party that Mrs. Joseph hosted and he was a werewolf so i was comfortable letting him tend to her, i took out my phone and called Mr. and Mrs. Joseph it rang twice then Mrs. Joseph answered "hello?" "come to the hospital kira is ill" i said and i heard her gasped "what happened?" "i dont know" i said "ok we're on our way" then she hanged up and i put my phone away walked out into my car and drove off like crazy "your so gonna get it now" i said and i drove off towards his house, nothing will stop me from inflicting pain to that son of a bitch!

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