That The Joke Was On Me

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When Joker hung up with the twins, he was halfway undressed, grabbing his maroon shirt from the floor he pulled it on and buttoned it up. Harley watched him change through tired azure eyes. "What's goin' on?" She murmured. Joker growled, "I wish I never had children." Harley blinked the sleep from her eyes and slowly began to wake up. "You don't mean that." She said softly, Joker growled throwing his suit jacket on, "Oh yes I do! Those brats have caused more than enough trouble! Of course though it takes two to tango- so this is half my fault for not using protection." Harley rolled her eyes, "J- your just angry. I remember how happy you were when Ethan and Brianna were running around the penthouse like little hell raisers." Joker snarled, "They aren't kids anymore, Harley. They're almost sixteen." Harley raised an eyebrow, "They're kids. They aren't eighteen." Joker hissed, "I should pray that they aren't! If they were I'd have to come up with even more excuses as to why we haven't officially named an heir." Harley sighed, "J- does naming an heir really matter? Doesn't it matter more that after two years, two long years of believing our daughter was dead, she came home by some miracle?" J sighed and sat down beside her. "Of course, it matters." He said, "But it's not the same anymore. And I don't want to put more of a target on her back. Griggs is still out there, loose in our city. My city. And somehow he broke in and almost killed her. If I name her as heiress we will have a bigger problem. The media will find out, and then when they do it'll go public. And considering she's on her way back accused of murdering her partner's girlfriend things are even worse. Harley- she's in enough danger. As her father- I can't name her heiress for fear of losing her to some hitman or someone with a vendetta. If I name her heiress-" Harley cut hi off with a kiss. When she pulled away she looked at him with a teasing smile, "For a psychopathic clown who doesn't have a heart you clearly seem to have one. If you didn't you wouldn't be worried about naming her heiress." J growled in annoyance averting his gaze from her. Harley kissed his cheek and got up moving to her closet, "J, she'll be fine. Brianna can manage, with all she's been through already how could she not? If she can take Belle Reve- she can take on anything."

Jasen Frost was worried the second he heard the Joker get up and yell for his father. Jasen sat up in his bunk and his father came in a moment later, "Come on." He said, "We need to get to the bridge. Fast." Jasen obeyed and quickly pulled on his suit, "Why? What happened?" he asked, while putting on his tie and black gloves as he followed his father. Jommy Frost sighed, walking down the stairs to the garage. "Something went wrong. Really wrong. The prince and princess are on their way back. Being chased by some of the Trinity's henchmen." Jasen's heart dropped. Brianna was in danger. He picked up the pace and followed his father down to the garage where he was met by the blinding white light of the warehouse style garage and scent of oil and gasoline. He spotted the Joker and Harley Quinn by the Lamborghini, Joker hurriedly pushing his partner into the vehicle while she was still somewhat asleep. Harley batted him away and Joker growled in annoyance and stormed to his side and looked at his right hand man before entering his Lamborghini. "Jonny!" He barked, "You got a location?" Jonny frost held up a tracking device and nodded. "Yes boss. Their nearly here. Just passed the halfway marker ten minutes ago." Joker growled in approval. "Good. Let's move out." Jasen watched the king of crime slip into the Lamborghini while his father yelled out to the other henchmen. "Get off your asses!" Jonny Frost barked slamming his fist against the black Cadillac Escalades that were lined up, still being loaded with exhausted henchmen having been woken from their slumber. Jasen watched as Archie, a very suicidal henchman called out, "Jonny! If I refuse to go do ya think the boss'll off me?" Jonny snapped, "No- he'll just be pissed and break one of your bones. You know he likes you too much to off ya." Archie groaned and climbed into the backseat of one of the cars. Jasen watched alongside his father as the garage door opened and the Joker's purple Lamborghini took off, the Escalades all following suit until the last one remained. Jonny climbed in to the drivers seat and Jasen took shotgun. His father drove off at the rear of the cars. Jasen sighed and stared out the window at the stars in the dark sky. Please let her be okay. he silently prayed. 

Ethan drove quickly down the long bridge connecting Gotham to Los Santos. There was a man made island in between the two cities to support the several mile long bridge. Brianna held the assembled gun in her hands, ready to shoot if need be. They'd gotten out of Los Santos at last, and now they were nearly home having just passed the halfway marker. They'd long since gotten off the phone with their father, who had been beyond furious when he was informed of the situation. It was possible to repair the damage, he knew that much. But The Joker was determined to keep both his next of kin close. There would be no deals between Brianna and Jack until the next gala where he would be able to work things out with the Trinity. He was sure he could fix things earlier, but for now Brianna would see neither hide nor hair of Jack Carsen.

The twins said nothing as they neared Gotham. Brianna glances at her twin brother, seeing in his eyes how unfocused he was. It amazed her they were still in one piece. "Hey." Brianna said breaking the silence, "I think we can slow down now. They're not on our tails anymore." Ethan chuckled, looking over at her, "Slow down? What's wrong Brianna? Lose your need for speed while you were in prison?" Brianna laughed and shook her head. "No. Never. I just..." She trailed off. Ethan frowned, "You just what? Brianna what's wrong?" Brianna sighed, "I just- I can't believe my own partner... After all we went through he thinks I would do that?" Ethan raised an eyebrow and Brianna laughed. "I mean- he knows I wouldn't do it like that. I wouldn't openly stab her and push her into the pool. I would have had it look like a hit man did it." Ethan chuckled, "And that's why you sent me right? So I could get the job done right," "The first time." The twins said simultaneously. Brianna laughed before the sorrowful look returned to her face. "I never thought that after..." Ethan frowned looking back at her, "After.. what?" He asked slowly. Brianna sighed and flopped her head on the headrest as she looked at her brother. "I slept with him." Ethan nodded slowly, "Okay.. I guess I can see that." Brianna made a face and he quickly corrected himself, "Not like that! I mean, I can see why. You were lost, you didn't know who you were and he was the only one with the knowledge of who you were and your partner nonetheless. It's no wonder you slept with him. Though I blame him completely for it. He lied to you. He seduced you- just like dad did with mom initially. Jack took advantage of you, he knew you were weak and he used you. He slept with you to earn your trust." Brianna chuckled, "You sound just like Ginger. And the best part is, I think I knew the whole time he was playing me. I just didn't want to admit it. I knew that the joke was on me."

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