The Queen of The Narrows

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Ethan marched into his room, anger overpowered him and he roared in anger, throwing the nearest thing to him, a priceless vase, at the wall. He watched it shatter, anger burning through him. Calm yourself, prince. Ethan growled clutching his head. "Shut up." The voice ignored him, You need to get rid of her. She stands in the way of everything. If you know what's good for you you'll ensure she gets whats coming to her. Ethan felt panick flare through him. "No, no!" He yelled. "I'm not doing that- no! It's out of the question!" The voice growled, But if she becomes heiress again you will lose everything. Including your sweet Cinder. Ethan didn't answer. He was torn, for the love of his sister, and the love of his girlfriend. His heart clenched knowing he could choose only one. He knew if Brianna became heiress, not only would he have to put Cinder back into hiding and resume their once a month meetings at the secluded diner in Metropolis. He almost couldn't bear the thought. He'd become so used to her being around constantly he wasn't sure he'd be able to cope without her. Listen to me, Ethan- the voice crooned, There is a way to keep Cinder, a way where no one gets hurt. Badly. Ethan tensed, "What do I have to do?" He asked. The voice chuckled, Seek out the Dark Mistress of the cult. She is the only one who can help you accomplish what you wish. Ethan held his breath as the voice receded into the darkness of his mind. He cast his gaze towards a false panel. Reaching onto his nightstand, he pulled a remote, and pressed a button. The false panel shifted, opening to reveal a black armored suit. on smaller panels beside it were basic gear. Ethan walked over to the suit, running a hand along the metallic finish. Perhaps it was time to break out his old heist armor and take it for a spin on the town.

Ethan slipped out of the penthouse that night, a duffel bag at hand. He wore his armored suit under his usual dark purple suit, however instead of using his white dress shirt he opted for a black one to help conceal his armor underneath. 


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Ethan walked briskly down the hall, fear coursing through him. Cinder had fallen asleep hours ago- with the help of a couple sleeping pills. 


Ethan stopped, silently cursing before he plastered on a faux smile as he turned to see Ecco, wiping the sleep from her eyes as she stood outside her bedroom door. "Where you goin'?" She whined, Ethan smiled walking over to kneel beside his baby sister, "I'm  just going  out for a bit. I'll be back before you know it." He kissed the top of her head and ushered her into her room, tucking her in. "Ethan?" Ecco muttered sleepily, "Who the others?" Ethan shook his head. "No one you need to worry about kiddo. Now get back to sleep okay?" Ecco yawned curling into her blankets and stuffed hyenas. "Night, night big brother..." Ethan left his little sister with a small sigh of relief before he left the penthouse, walking to the territory's edge before hot wiring a car and driving to the shadiest area of the Narrows. He parked the car and sat inside for a few minutes, the Narrows was a place even he dared to not go if he could avoid it. His father had told him and Brianna of the war, hence why they'd not been allowed out often as children. The queen of the Narrows- Tabitha, had met with Penguin one night at the Iceberg to negotiate a peace deal. Tabitha had instead pulled a gun on the crime boss- but when she shot, the gun misfired- ultimately leaving her defenseless. It was then Penguin had stabbed her, killing her. When Tabitha's adopted daughter, Zira, stepped up to the throne- she gathered her forces and attacked Penguin. When Penguin knew his numbers were weakening he enlisted the help of The Joker. Initially, Ethan's father had refused. But when he realized that Zira might come for his own empire next- he lent Oswald the men- however upon realizing that the Penguin didn't know what he was doing, the Joker took over the war and had been the one to kill the young queen. When Queen Zira fell, it was quiet. His father always told him it was always, always calm before the storm. When the people of the Narrows claimed there was a new queen, the Joker was ready for battle. Until he received a message. The new queen wanted to discuss a peace treaty, perhaps a future alliance. Had he not had two young children, both now nearing the age of two- he would have simply taken the war to the Narrows and killed the queen. But the King of Gotham- his base located above the Narrows, wanted not only more territory- but perhaps a chance at some form of peace, which ultimately, would give him ownership of the Narrows. Against Jonny Frost's advice- he had gone alone to meet the queen. They had met in a nearby club. But that was where it all fell apart.

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