Chapter 14-Yuu

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A/n: Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for not being able to update this story as much as I would like, this first month of college has been something else😓 but I am here now and I am all settled so you can expect many more chapters for this book:) with that being said, I hope you enjoy the story ❤️

"Yuu-Chan, what was that?"

Mika asked, walking beside me as we made our way towards our classes.

"No one important..."
I mumbled under my breath.

"It seemed like you knew her though.."
Akane poked my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and huffed.
They really don't know how to mind their own business, do they?

"You know her too Akane."

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at me, completely confused by what I meant.

"Shinoa. That was Shinoa."

"Wait Shinoa as in Shinoa-Chan? From the orphanage?"
Mika said a little too loudly, attracting the attention of a few other students that were walking nearby.

"Do you know any other Shinoa?"
I asked sarcastically.

"But then Yuu-Chan why did you treat her like that?"
Akane asked.

"Treat her like what?"
I replied, pretending not to know about what she was talking about.

"You were obviously upset, Yuu-Chan. You even called her a betrayer."
Mika pointed out.

"Did I lie? I mean she's probably fooling all of her followers as we speak."
I spat, clearly wanting to avoid the topic.

"But Yuu-chan you shouldn't-"
Mika started, but I quickly shut him down as we turned the corner.

"Akane this is our class, we should go; we don't want to be late."

Akane sighed as she readjusted her backpack.

"Bye Mika-Chan."
She waved to Mika as we both entered the class.

I scanned the room as we went in, and saw that there were two empty desks by the window. I went over to one of the empty desks and placed my backpack down.

Akane placed her stuff on the desk next to mine, and we both sat down.

I took out my phone from the pocket of my blazer and I opened Twitter.

I had been scrolling on twitter for a few minutes when Akane tugged on my blazer to get my attention.

"What is it?"
I asked, not looking up from my phone.

Instead of talking to me, she roughly poked my side.
I  looked up from my phone, annoyed by her. Once she had my full attention, she pointed all the way across the room.

I looked in the direction that she was pointing at and I couldn't believe what, or rather who I was seeing.

Sitting across the room by the corner was Shinoa, happily smiling at her phone.

I scowled.

"I'm gonna go talk to her."
Akane said, rushing over to talk to Shinoa before I could stop her.

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