You Know Spies

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"You know spies, a bunch of..." Sam looked at the child below him and felt perplexed. "People who do undercover work to save other people..."
Sam glanced at Fi, who ignored his looks for help and continued pulling out snacks for the guests.
"Go raibh maith agat, Uncle Sam!" Charlie grinned warm to ear. "Are you a spy?"
"No, no. Your Uncle... dad?" Throwing up his hands, he leaned in and whispered to the child, "Mikey used to be a spy, but now he's just a hero."
"A hero?" Charlie's face was inquisitive.
"Yup, he rescued you and me and even Fi from danger."
Charlie's eyes grew. "Danger?"
Fi stood across from Sam, her arms crossed. "That's enough you two. Charlie, why don't you go play in your room? Daidí will tell you more of his stories another time."
Sam shrugged, "He asked, I was trying to help."
Michael entered with Jesse and the young man. "This here is Keenan, and he's looking for help with a job."
Fi added in, "Charlie's in his room. What kind of job?"
Michael motioned for Keenan to sit beside Sam on the sofa. Michael Fi and Jesse sat in wooden chairs across from them.
Keenan's voice was squeaky, he was unable to hide his fear. "I got meself into a bit of... trouble. I spoke up about my dad being a Garda," he saw the confusion on the two American's face and added,"a policeman, and how I got out of trouble all the time..."
Michael grunted. "You offered to do a job for them, got caught and their supply was confiscated along with the money, wasn't it?"
Keenan's face shown surprise. "How'd you do that?"
"It's a gift he has." Sam began to explain.
Michael sniggered and motioned no with his hand. "No, I have a friend who is familiar with the case, a policeman." Michael's smile dissipated, his voice becoming serious. "How could you offer something so foolish and betray your father?"
Keenan hung his head low. "It was a mistake. I was trying to prove that I'm not like my father..."
The kids response twinged at Michael's heart. He was all too familiar with running from a father you wanted no part of. But his father wasn't a dead beat woman and child beater. "Why wasn't the leader arrested? The police have all of the evidence they need."
"It can't be traced back to him, only his handlers and the supplier. I barely escaped out of there." Keenan looked at Michael anxiously. "He's threatening to kill my dad and younger sister if I don't break in and get his stuff."
Michael saw the hopelessness in the kids eyes. "Let's see what we can do."
"You're lucky your son wasn't hospitalized, you know," Hughes leaned forward and folded his hands on his desk.
"I know... I can't understand his pull to these crooks," Byrne spat out. "I never pushed him to be a guard. I let him choose his path. Clearly that was a mistake."
Hughes sent his friend, and old partner, a sympathetic nod. "We're gonna get Kavanaugh this time, okay? I can feel it. He won't hurt anyone ever again."
Byrne shot Hughes a pained look. "I can't be complaining here. You're the one who's lost the most."
Hughes cleared his throat and firmly stated, "Let this be the last time he hurts anyone, okay?"
Byrne nodded in agreement, his facial expressions less confident. "How can you be so sure?"
"This can't all be for nothing," Hughes faltered. "He's gotta go down."
"I'm sorry I asked... I know you'll get him. I need someone to get through to my son too. He needs to know there's a better way of living, an honest way," Byrne rubbed his temples and stood. "Thanks for meeting with me."
Hughes stretched out his arm and shook his old partners hand firmly. "Don't be afraid to bother me anytime for help, 'Kay?"
With more confidence now, Byrne shook his head and smiled with gratitude. "Thank you."

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