Broken (Disappeared #2)

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Author:  bronwynkienapple

England, 1813. Lady Theodosia has stumbled into another universe - a mythical forest paradise. Valiant Ahuil has captured her heart but dark forces are quickly closing in. The half-beings are taking form and the ruins of their former civilization are rebuilding into dramatic cities that threaten to wipe out the Nextic people forever. Torn between staying for Ahuil and dying and returning to a life without freedom or love, Theodosia is forced to choose her destiny. And as they run out of time, Theodosia must find the courage to try to save the Nextic - a power only she holds - and to convince Ahuil that the only option left to them ... the one he could never accept ... is worth it to save their timeless love. Broken is the second book in a trilogy.
Status: Completed

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