Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"No, I am not threatening your family. As much as I want to feel even pain during my last few hours of my life I could never bring myself to knowingly hurt a child." Luce and I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was even holding but we kept our flames burning hot. He seemed to enjoy it anyway and it was letting us control our emotions a little better anyway.

"So what would be the cost of not using your rules then?" I questioned him, still on guard.

"Your own deaths, as you can see me just living is a blight on Earthland. My death comes at a cost. If I were anywhere else hundreds of people would die, if not thousands to make up the magic energy needed to end my life. But with you two I could die with only your lives being spent," he paused simply to take a breath, our rage seeming to excite him yet again. "On the other hand if you follow these rules in your battle, you will be constantly creating and discharging enough magic to send me to the afterlife without having to die."

"So you really just came here to die?" Luce asked as we both released our magic now trying to conserve our energy as I walked over to retrieve the written instructions from him. I looked over the list and saw what seemed impossibly absurd at first until I really started studying it. I couldn't help the grin plastered on my face as I walked back to my mate. The closer I got to her the more giddy I became after I read the list and handed her the rules. Only for her to look at me concerned before reading the list herself.

"Oh this is going to be fun!" I am grinning wickedly at this point and it wasn't long before Luce was joining me in my insanity.

We both look at the blue man and together tell him, "We can do this." The man started to actually weep from joy and we instructed him to meet us around back and we would put up a seat for him away from the others and we would also put up multiple barriers to protect our guildmates not only from him but from us as well.

"To finally be able to die and to die in peace, this is a dream come true!" He quickly agreed and once he was finally gone Luce and I started destroying the barriers she had set up to protect our comrades.

Lucy's POV

The instructions were simple but they allowed Natsu and I to have a real fight without any handicaps placed on me and the fight should last more than a few minutes. It might even take several minutes just like a real match! I could feel fire pumping through my veins as I broke through my last barrier before heading towards the infirmary to break that one as well. Natsu had the instructions now and Master was asking for it.

"Are we too late?" Sting asked huffing as if he ran all the way here from Sabertooth. Rogue was standing behind him rolling his eyes but smiling at his mate lovingly.

"Uncle Sting! Uncle Rogue!" Melody and Tidus came running towards them and jumped into their arms giving them hugs and kisses as they did. Making Natsu and I laugh as the rest of our guild just stared at them.

"There you are! You know your mommy and daddy don't bring you around nearly enough!" Sting cooed at the both of them before giving them both kisses.

"Well we haven't even left Magnolia since the twins hatched so I don't want to hear it. You could have visited us you know?" Natsu huffed before taking Nashi from Wendy. I already had Luke in my own arms.

"Yeah, because we are totally stupid enough to stop by in the first year after they hatch, without an invite. We are not suicidal you know." Sting responded indignantly.

"Now, now there's no reason to get upset." Rogue cooed before pulling Melody and Tidus away from his blond mate giving them both cuddles and kisses himself.

"Where are Rose and Jade?" Melody asked, trying to look over their shoulders behind their backs.

"Right here!" We hear two small voices yell from the doorway as a couple of five year olds come running in through the hole in the door. The little girl had blue eyes and black hair and the boy had green eyes and blond hair.

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