Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: Babies and Guilt

It was July 30th and Heather was sitting in Shannon's locker room. Seshama still hadn't made up with Heather and guilt was consuming C.M. Heather sat with Shannon who was watching the end of a match. C.M. Popped up on screen. Seshama was sitting in a chair in front of him as he spoke. "I lied five months ago...Shannon didn't start that...I are you going to be friends with Heather again?" C.M. finished and looked down to Seshama. Seshama shook her head. "No...and why would you lie to me like that?" C.M. looked to Seshama again and said, "Why?" Seshama laughed and Heather chuckled along with her. "Because Heather and I never stopped being friends, guilt trips are easy to put on you C.M. Heather and I actually just finished planning her wedding...I was hoping you would crack soon though, because she is due in a month." C.M. jaw dropped and he stared at Seshama in disbelief. The camera's quickly switched to Shannon and Heather and Shannon stood from the chair and glared down at Heather. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as Heather smiled and put a hand behind her head.

"Heh, you know that is a funny story Shannon. You see Seshama thought it best if I didn't tell you so that it was more convincing." Shannon looked back to the screen and saw big daddy V walking toward the ring. "I guess you had a good reason." Said Shannon walking out of the locker room. "At least I told you I believed you!" Heather yelled standing and walking after him. Big Daddy V made quick work of his victim and Shannon's match was up next. He was to fight Elija Burke. Seshama came to watch as Heather stood with her in the back. It was half way through the fight when Heather went to the bathroom. Seshama's cell phone rang a minute later and she picked it up. "Hello?" She said watching as Shannon landed a good drop kick. "Seshama, I can't stand up...I thoughtt my water broke...Not I can't you think you can help me?" Seshama hung up her phone and ran to the bathroom. Seshama saw heather sitting on the floor with her hand on her stomach.

Seshama helped Heather stand and watched as people passed on their way down the hall. Finally they made it to C.M.'s locker room, it was closer that Shannon's, and sat Heather down on a chair. C.M. came into the locker room as Seshama watched the match go on. C.M. was gone in an instant once he saw the pain etched in Heather face. C.M. was by the ring in a blink of an eye. "Pin Him! Your Fiancé needs you!" Shannon could barely hear over the crowd, but he knew if C.M. was cheering him on something must be wrong. Shannon pinned Elija Burke quickly after landing a Moorgasm and looked to the big screen as it flashed a picture of him and than Seshama and Heather. C.M. grabbed Shannon by the arm and ran with him yelling. "Heather is in labor!" It took Shannon and C.M. only moments to make it back to the locker room. Heather was holding onto Seshama's hand. Shannon hoisted Heather into a bridal style hold and walked quickly out of the room. Shannon thanked God they were in North Carolina tonight on ECW.

Seshama was right behind Shannon now running to keep up with Shannon who was taking the longest, quickest strides that he could. Shannon got into the Hummer on the passenger's side and said quickly. "C.M. Punk, drive!" C.M. looked at Shannon with surprise, Shannon didn't even let him touch his Hummer the first time they came down, they had, had to take Heather's car. "Now!" Shannon yelled as heather cried out in pain. Seshama was already in the Hummer. C.M. jumped un and Shannon chucked the keys at him. After quickly buckling he started the car and drove off. Shannon gave directions and they made it to the hospital safely. Shannon cursed the person to have the birthing rooms on the tenth floor and got into the elevator. C.M. and Seshama followed quickly, C.M. almost getting his leg stuck in the doors. Seshama pressed the number ten and than the close door button holding it in and up they went. Heather cursed closing her eyes. She had always hated elevators.

Ten minutes later C.M. and Seshama were sitting in the waiting room while Shannon paced back and forth. It was too early for them to come, a month early to be exact. The doctors had kicked Shannon out for to much yelling. He slowly calmed down and was waiting for the doctors to tell him he could come back because it was time. He wanted to be back there with her but he knew he couldn't, not right now. He could only listen to her cries of pain as a contraction hit her. C.M. watched his cp-worker walk from one end to the other. Soon he was tired or walking in a line and walked to perimeter of the room. Seshama was reading a parenting magazine and cringed when she heard a particularly loud cuss come from Heather. No one was in the waiting room with them so they were free to lounge and move seats at random times. Shannon's phone rang which he answered with a growled cuss. Walking to the other side of the room he spoke softly. "I'm going to go get McDonalds I'm sure Heather will be hungry." Seshama left and with that the silence began to stretch between Shannon and C.M.

"Shannon." C.M. said finally breaking the silence. "Yes, C.M. Punk?" Shannon replied sitting and putting his head in his hands listening to Heather's yelps of pain. "Did you call Heather's parents?" Shannon nodded not looking up. C.M. could see the troubled look in Shannon's eyes. "They will be me..." Shannon shook his head. "They are a whole month early." C.M. walked over to Shannon and put a hand on his shoulder. :They'll be fine." C.M. walked over to the coffee machine and made Shannon some coffee before walking into the bathroom. Shannon stared at the coffee as Seshama came in the room. Her hair was a mess and the McDonalds bag was torn ad burgers were falling out. "I know who has been trying to kill us all!" She put the bag on the chair just as the doctor came in and said it was time. Shannon walked into the back following the doctor. Looking back to the frantic Seshama before she yelled, "Matt Hardy!" Shannon threw that from his mind as he sat beside Heather who was already sweating.

Shannon pushed the hair out of her face and kissed her softly. "Shannon." Heather said before another contraction hit her. The doctor told her to push when the next contraction hit. Right before it did Heather said, "I'm scared." and Shannon's reply was. "I'm here with you." The actual birth of the children took two hours. There was a half an hour pause between the two children. Heather was happy to find out that the first born was her little boy, who Shannon had named David. The little girl Heather and Shannon had agreed to name Fiona. Seshama stood with C.M. watching the babies while they sat in the respiratory tubes. Both had to have powder put in their lungs to stop them from sticking together. Seshama hugged C.M. and smiled, "We will be in here soon C.M." Seshama said. C.M. looked at Seshama confused. "I'm pregnant C.M." C.M. looked to the babies than to Seshama and kissed her. Heather was sitting with Shannon in her room. "They have your beautiful eyes Shannon." Heather said with a smile before she fell asleep Shannon running a hand through her hair.

Just a Fairy Tale?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora