Chapter four

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Chapter Four: Day 1

Shannon opened his eyes and knew something was wrong. He walked into the living room and found nothing. Shrugging he ran a hand across his abdomen. Walking out to the deck he saw punk tanning. Shannon had to take a double take. "Are those my Giorgio Armani Sunglasses?" C.M. looked to Shannon taking off the Glasses and looking at them before putting them back on. "Yeah, I thought since we were "Friends" we could share them." Shannon clenched his fists. "Right." walking away he said "Good morning." to Seshama. Seshama smiled and set a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of him. "Thank you." He said grabbing his fork and knife and Seshama sat a cup full of orange juice in front of him. "Where is Heather?" Seshama asked preparing a plate for C.M. "Sleeping."

Seshama made two more plates and set them on the table. Putting the extra on plates, she put the plates on the table, knocking on the glass door to the deck she said. "Not for long." Shannon watched Seshama walk to their room and started eating. C.M. walked in throwing the sunglasses at Shannon. "Thanks buddy, oh, sorry by the way, the left lense cracked when I turned over for an even tan." Shannon looked at his sunglasses as a lense fell out and into pieces. Shannon shrugged. "It's alright you going to buy me a new pair?" C.M. sat down and shook his head. "No, but I'll get you a great birthday present." Shannon tossed the sunglasses in the trash as they heard a loud thud and a scared scream. "Seshama what the fuck! I was fucking sleeping! What the hell am I listening!...oh, Dameon..."

Seshama walked out into the kitchen and shoved Heather into a seat. She held an Ipod in one hand and ate her food with the other. "What are we doing today?" asked Seshama as she started to clean up the kitchen. "Well I was thinking we could finish cleaning and than tomorrow we could go to the arcade. "C.M. said shoveling food into his mouth. Shannon nodded and saw Heather's face light up. "I haven't been on a pad since you and C.M. started going out." Seshama sat down and started to eat. "Yeah, you will love this arcade. It is about ten times the size of grand slam." Shannon looked to Heather. "A Pad?" Heather laughed with Seshama and said, "You remember when we went to the arcade in New York and I said that my favorite game was gone... you'll get to see what I was talking about when we go tomorrow." C.M. was quietly saying to himself. "Ski ball, ski ball, ski ball."

The day went on and C.M. was planning his next wave of attack on Shannon. Seshama sat in their room with a small bottle of black nail polish. "Hey Seshama." C.M. greeted her. "Oh, hi C.M. great timing close that for me hun?" C.M. watched as Seshama left the room and closed the nail polish. Shannon walked in blowing on his own nails. "I just had to use this nail polish it was so nice. Thanks "Pal"." Shannon said throwing the bottle to him. Punk caught it and opened the bottle. The bottle was empty. "This was full." Shannon turned around. "Yeah, but, I continued to mess up so...I had to take it off and start all over." Punk chucked the bottle at his head, but Shannon dodged it. "You know you should try out for baseball, you would be a great pitcher." Shannon walked away and C.M. took all his nail polish to his safe.

Seshama and Heather were talking on the back porch. Heather was painting her nails a blood red as they talked about the newest fanfic they have read. "Yeah, that reminds me, Dameon has a new band." Heather smiled, "Really, how is his mother?" Seshama frowned. "She passed away last month." Heather stopped smiling and looked at her friend. "He didn't seem upset, he seemed happy." Seshama nodded. "He wasn't sad for long." Shannon walked out and said he would be watching T.V. Heather watched him go and sighed. "I hope out plan works...So far it hasn't been but hopefully it will." Seshama shook her head. "C.M. hasn't been helping matters. "Heather chuckled. "They think we don't see what they do. I found Shannon's favorite pair of sunglasses in the trash. The left lense was cracked and broken."

Seshama nodded. "Yeah C.M. had an empty broken bottle of nail polish." Seshama turned over letting herself bask in the sun. Heather flipped the page of the magazine she was flipping through. "I like this scrying mirror...Gold rim with silver stars and moon decorate the 8" in diameter black surfaced scrying mirror. Empowered with cat's eye jems, and frankincense oils. Comes with dark blue silk drawstring bag, with the symbol of the Goddess. Nice, Christmas present..."

Seshama laughed. "Yeah, I thought you would like that magazine." Heather smiled brightly over at her friend and took a sip of her water. "Half a day left and Day one is finished." Heather circled the scrying mirror and closed the magazine. "I need to talk to Shannon about that walk he mention." Seshama nodded and stood stretching. "I need to cook lunch. Sandwiched sound good...or maybe burgers?" She fanned herself slowly with her new purple fan. "C.M. do you want burgers or sandwiches?" C.M. came out from the hall. "Burgers..." Seshama kissed him and said, "why not go watch T.V. with Heather and Shannon." C.M. smiled to her and kissed her back. "I would love to." He said before he made his way toward the living room. Seshama got out the burgers and seasonings, while humming softly to herself.

Shannon was sitting on the couch with Heather's head in his lap while he had his daily stem treatment. "Heather toss me the remote." Shannon asked and without either two looking the remote was thrown from behind Heather's back and caught with Shannon's right hand. "Thank you." C.M. watched this transition and was impressed by the two and their compatibility. C.M. than sat down at Heather's feet. "Shannon you need to move your hand because I have a bruise there from Oz." Shannon moved his hand and placed it on her stomach moving her shirt upward so he could rub small circles on it. C.M. watched as Shannon flipped through the channels, but the suddenly stopped on a Spanish soap opera. "Seshama!" Heather yelled and Seshama walked out and smiled.

"Last week Judelca cheated on Ricardo with Jesus...Maria fad her baby but it was a miscarriage because Juan pushed her down the steps. Jose pronounced himself gay and is now going out with Cortez." Heather said as Seshama walked into the kitchen. Shannon looked to the channel and sighed. C.M. stood and said, "Bathroom break." walking to the bathroom he saw a sign from God. Shannon's Gas Chamber Ink hat was sitting on the hallway stand. Taking the hat he walked into the bathroom. Dropping the hat into the toilet he unzipped his pants. The hat was soon covered in the smell of C.M. pee and toilet cleansers. C.M. chuckled and took the hat out of the toilet carfully. He opened the window and hung the hat on a shutter. Walking out of the bathroom he saw Shannon waiting to take a leak as well.

'Perfect.' C.M. thought giving a smile to Shannon. 'He did something.' thought Shannon as he went to the bathroom. Once he was done he flushed, put down the seat and walked to the sink. After washing his hands he saw a black hat blowing in the wind though the mirror. Shannon ran to the window and opened it taking his hat down. He made the most unappealing face when he got a whiff of C.M.'s piss ass over his hat. C.M. was standing in the doorway. "It fell in. I didn't notice until I was done, so I put it in the air to dry." Shannon glared at him and watched him walk away. He would get him back.

Later that night Shannon and Heather were on a walk. Heather was looking at the sky with a slight smile. "The bright lights of Chicago dim the stars." Shannon looked to Heather with a smile. "I see all the stars I need right in your eyes." Heather was silent for a second before she laughed. "Oh, My God, that was cheezy but cute." They both were out front of C.M.'s house and were ready to go in. C.M. was on the roof unseen by Heather. He grabbed his misfits Jacket which had "Hardknox" written in red and black across it. C.M. waited for Heather to go inside before he jumped off the roof and held up the misfits jacket. Shannon took a moment to inspect it before he said, "I thought we needed a flag you know, it looks good on a palace like this one." Shannon patted C.M.'s shoulder and walked inside. What they didn't know was they were being watched. "They really don't think we know." Seshama laughed out as Heather nodded in agreement. "Nope." "Well goodnight Heather." Heather walked to her door and turned to say. "Good night Seshama." Before closing the door with a soft click.

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