Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Wedding Bells

Heather sat in the church staring at her reflection. She hadn't seen Shannon all day and her babies were being transported back and forth between the two. Right now Shannon had the babies and he was getting ready. The month before Matt had been shipped off to jail until next month where he would be sentenced. Heather looked to Seshama with a bright smile. Seshama was into her first trimester, thankfully she still fit into her dress. The past two months Heather had hogged Shannon's treadmill and had lost some of the weight she had gained. Heather had two brides maids; Seshama, who was her maid of Honor and Marietta, she has worked with Heather since before she had opened her own shop in North Carolina. Shannon had two grooms men; Shane and Jeff, Jeff was his man of Honor. Heather stood and put her foot on Seshama's back. After grabbing the two strings that tied her corset she pulled. Seshama gasped as the corset tightened and Heather tied it. It was always hard to get Seshama into a corset. Heather looked at her reflection again and smiled. She was beautiful in her classic white dress.

She had Seshama curl her hair into perfect ringlets from the top of her head to the bottom. Her makeup was light and just enough to comment her eyes. Seshama came up behind her and hugged her friend. "You look awesome." She said. Heather sighed and turned to the side. "Yeah I do." Shannon held Fiona walking around the room. Jeff held David while C.M. who was requested to help get Shannon and Jeff ready while they had the children. C.M. was putting cuff links on Jeff while Shannon had his tie around his neck and his cuffs undone. C.M. took Fiona from Shannon and watched as Shannon nervously tied his tie and clasped the cufflinks. Jeff walked over to Shannon and slapped a hand to his back. "Calm down Shannon, she will say I do..." Shannon looked to Jeff and sat down. "That isn't the only thing worrying me." Jeff handed David to Shannon and took Fiona from C.M. "What is bothering you other than that?" he asked sitting beside C.M. "If anyone has an objection on why these two should not be web in holy matrimony speak now or forever hold your peace." Shannon recited holding his little boy close as he cooed and giggled. Jeff thought for a long moment before saying. "No one will object plus it wont change anything...she loves you and an objection cant stop the marriage."

Shannon sighed and kissed his son's forehead and Fiona's forehead before C.M. took them to the pews. Shannon stood and went over his lines one more time before walking up the pews himself. Standing at the altar he waited. His heart was beating wildly as he watched the end of the church. Heather's family members and his own family watched patiently. The church organ began to play and the doors opened. The first person that walked out was the ring bearer. Heather had stolen her nephew Xavier for this job and by doing this had to invite Josh, her stupid annoying half brother. Than came Marrietta her blue hair pinned up into a bun. Next out walked Seshama holding a bouquet of white roses. Her red dress complemented her newly dyed black hair. Next came the flower girl throwing white and red rose petals. Next was Heather. Her long flowing white dress was held by Seshama's two nieces. Her father walked beside her, her arm in his walking to the usual rhythm. She was glad the veil hid her eyes from Shannon because tears streamed down her cheeks. She had never thought that she would be getting married to Shannon Moore, and what made it all better was that her father actually got to walk her down the aisle. His legs were strong that day, not wobbly like usual which gave Heather the motivation to not burst in to tears all together.

Shannon's smile was cemented on his face from that moment on. Slowly Heather and her father made it to the alter and Heather's father gave her off to Shannon. Shannon took Heather's arm and said, "You are beautiful." Heather smiled brighter and both turned to the alter together. Heather held her bouquet of red roses and babies breath close to her. The priest began with the usual, "We are gathered here today." Everything went smoothly until Shannon's fears came into reality. "If there is anyone who thinks that these two should not be bound in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." Sarah, Josh, and a woman Heather had never seen before stood. "Three disagree with this marriage." The priest motioned to Sarah and she began the descent of Shannon's happiness. "Ever since my sister has been with him she has been in the hospital for near death experiences. I don't think he can protect her." Shannon's heart panged with the accusation.

The priest nodded and pointed to Josh. "Why shouldn't these two be wed?" Josh stood and said, "He has already been married before and whose to say he wont leave Heather for the next new girl he sees?" Heather looked to Shannon who looked back a little hurt. Heather looked back to Josh with a deadly glare. The woman unknown by Heather spoke next, tears were springing to her eyes. "Shannon, I love you! You can't marry her! She is nothing but a whore! She will just go to the clubs she works at and earn more money to pay for her next marriage." Heather looked to Shannon and read every expression from his eyes. Hatred, anger, despair, and sadness. Heather held his hand and looked to the priest. "Shall we go on with the sermon?" asked the priest letting the two think about what was said. "Yes, those objections are irrelevant and they are lies." Said Heather letting Shannon take her arm again.

The priest went on and said, "Do you Shannon Brian Moore take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live till death do you part?" Shannon looked at Heather smiling as her said, "I do." The priest turned to Heather who was smiling just as large. "And do you Heather May Brownlowe take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to cherish in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live till death do you part?" Heather looked up to Shannon from looking at the rings that were on their fingers and said, "I do." the priest took Heather's hand and Shannon's hand and placed them together before both entwined their fingers. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Shannon lifted the veil slowly and tucked it behind her hair. He traced his hand across her cheek and pulled her head up toward his own. Heather looked up into Shannon's stormy grey eyes and he kissed her.

Heather was swept away by the kiss Shannon gave her which she returned happily. They were married. It all seemed like a faerie tale to her. She had two healthy children, a wonderful husband, her best friend was having children with the love of her life, Matt was going to prison, and no one was trying to kill them. The last thing that needed to make her life perfect was a father daughter dance. Everyone arrived at the reception safely C.M. and Seshama carrying the babies. Shannon and Heather arrived in the white stretch limo they had rented. Heather and Shannon arm in arm walked into the reception carrying her own dress carefully. Heather had a camera at every table. The first song played was for the father daughter dance. Heather danced with her father and Shannon watched sitting at a table with Fiona dancing with her, holding her little hand in his.

Seshama recorded Shannon dancing with Fiona with a bright smile on her face. She tapped C.M. and he chuckled once he saw them dancing. Once the dance ended everyone danced for a little while. Heather sat down in a chair and let Shannon take off her garder. He threw it up into the air and Jeff caught it. Heather was the first one to have a piece of cake shoved in her face. But she got Shannon back for it. Both had already had wedding pictures take and Heather was ready to throw her bouquet of roses. Closing her eyes she threw them behind her and Seshama was the one to catch them. After everyone mingled at the party and Heather made sure Seshama was ok with the twins and put a slice of cake in the freezer at their house everyone filed out the door. Heather and Shannon were the last ones out and by request of Seshama, had rice thrown at the new happily married couple. Heather and Shannon both got back into the limo and their driver drove them to their hotel. Seshama had told Heather that she couldn't use a condom because she wasn't going to be pregnant alone. Heather would have said yes if it wasn't for her two kids that she already had. Shannon made sure to use a condom and Heather had taken birth control this morning and they spent their wedding night like every other married couple did, with a night full of awaited passion.

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