Chapter Three

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Chatper Three: The Party

Shannon Tugged on Heather's arm to hurry her pace so that they would make it on the plane. Heather's brain was running a mile a minute as she pulled her full suitcases behind her. "I'm not ready." Shannon turned around on the person mover and stared at Heather. "You have to be...look I'll hold your hand while we take off." He than turned around and continued walking. Once on the plane Heather was staring at the ground longingly. The engines roared as the plane wheeled itself toward the runway. Shannon took her hand and was instantly brought to the realization of how scared she was. By the time they were in the air his fingers were blue.

The flight to Chicago was a long one, but the landing was quick and painless. Shannon was surprised when Heather didn't kiss the ground once the couple was outside. A deep electric blue 3500 ford rolled up to gate C in front of the two. "You lived!" Heather's face was lit by a bright smile. "Seshama!" She squealed running the few feet left in between her and the truck. "Jump in the party awaits! Leave everything in the truck we'll get it later!" Heather put her stuff in the bed of the truck and Jumped in. "So how is Honnor?" Seshama asked looking beside her to her friend. "Good, how is Tora?" Heather asked looking in the mirror to fix her makeup. "Fine, she had her cubs two months ago and C...ans my boyfriend takes them out for runs."

Heather was about to reply when Shannon interrupted saying. "Cubs?" Seshama looked back at Shannon who was sprawled on the back seat nursing his broken hand. "Yes, cubs, Tora is a tiger." Heather chuckled and watched the scenery out the car window. "Sarah is getting another divorce and Josh just lost his job. Mommy, she is a wreck and Daddy says "Hi"." Seshama looked to her worry eyed friend and touched her friends arm. "And?" she asked Heather looked to her friend and said. "Reggie died!" They both laughed and highfived each other. "Yes!" Seshama pulled up in front of a large house and parked the truck. "Someone took my fucking parking spot! Fucking assholes!" She quickly parked in a vacant spot and opened her truck door yelling over the noise from the music. "Who the hell parked in my fucking parking spot! I'm gonna bust their fucking windows!"

Lights were flashing from every window in the house and people the could hear her stopped dancing and shrugged. "Fucking bitch im gonna kill them..." She murmured and walked off. People outside greeted Heather and Shannon while continuing to dance. Most of the people Heather had seen before from other parties Seshama had thrown. One such man came up and picked her up in a giant hug. "Heather!" It was as Heather could see Dameon, Seshama and Heather's rocker friend they have known since he was young. Heather hugged him back before she made her way through the crowd of people. Seshama walked into the living room where her boyfriend was D.. Shannon and Heather followed close behind. Once in the room Seshama waved to her boyfriend and he looked up.

The music screeched to a stop and a glass broke. Shannon's mouth dropped open, C.M. Punk stared in disbelief at who was standing in his living room. Everyone in and around the house stopped moving. Eyes met in a flare of sparks as both men glared daggers at one another. "Sup poser?" C.M. started out the insults and it went back and forth. "Pepsi Masta? We all know the only reason you drink pepsi is to use the cans to "Mastabate"!" Shannon smirked. "No sorry, I'm not as small as you." "No you couldn't possibly be as big as me, because you don't even have a cock cuz you're a Pussy!" C.M. was cut off by Seshama and Heather who stood between the two. "C.M. stop." "Shannon remember what I told you." Both men glared at the other before C.M. went back to D. and Shannon walked outside. Heather walked after him as he walked down the street. "Shannon!" He didn't even slow down. "Shannon, where are you going?"

"C.M. calm down." Seshama leaned over the stand and huffed. "That was below the belt!" Seshama shook her head and kissed him. "So, I told you no arguing, and nothing would go wrong, Now look something has already gone wrong."

"You can't find a hotel!" "I'm not sleeping in his house!" "Not even for me?" Heather looked up at Shannon with pleeding eyes. When he looked down he sighed. "No Heather, I can't."

"I know Seshama but I don't want him in my house at all to just spread his poserness! Plus what will the press think?" Seshama sighed and shook her head. "Nothing! And stop with the poser comment he isn't wearing his makeup. I told Heather to make sure he kept it home."

"Fine! You are so stubborn sometimes, I'll stay but I wont like it." Heather jumped up from the bench they had found and hugged him. "Thank you!"

"No." "But C.M." "Why should I?" Seshama sat in front of him and put her elbows on his knees and her head on her hands. "Because you love me and Heather is your friend." C.M. Figgetted a bit. "I never said Heather couldn't stay." Seshama glared up at him before she kissed him. Punk kissed back and he slipped his tounge into her mouth. She bit down viciously and held. "OW!" Seshama glared until C.M. said "Fine, he can stay."

Heather held Shannon's hand as they both made their way to C.M.'s house. Once there they could hear music playing once again. "I know this is to much to ask, but, could you try and be his friend?" Shannon didn't turn around or even stop walking. "I don't know, I'm going to be living in his house for a week I guess I have to be." Heather smiled and walked into the party. "Good, I would have told you but, you would have never come."

"Please make friends with him I know he can be a bitch at times but, Heather was always one to choose arrogant men..." C.M. changed the next CD and turned down the volume a bit, a slow dance for the couples. "Come we'll dance and talk." C.M. Jumped over the stand again taking Seshama's hand. "He is going to be in our house, you might as well make the best of it." "Yeah, I know, I never said I wasn't going to try." Seshama glared at him. "No, but you insult him as soon as he got here..."

Shannon had pulled Heather into a slow dance as well. "Look C.M. is right there, once this song is over I want you to talk to him. If I hear once insult I will make sure you are the most unhappiest man at night." Shannon sighed as Heather laid her head against his chest. "Alright..." The song soon ended and Heather was the first over to the couple, pulling Seshama away and to a corner of the room close to the D.J. stand where Punk was changing the songs. Shannon walked right up to punk and leaned against the wall. "I told Shannon he has to make friends with C.M." Seshama laughed as she watched Shannon talk to punk.

Punk looked to Shannon with a slight frown. "Since I am going to be living in your house I have been told to be friends with you." Punk chuckled. "I have been told to make peace as well. It seems our girlfriends think alike." Shannon nodded. "Yes they do. I might as well ask you this now instead of screwing up later. Anything I shouldn't do while I'm here?" Punk looked to Shannon and said, "As long as you respect me I will be fine, I'm guessing a truce is in order." Shannon nodded. C.M. held out his hand for Shannon to shake. Shannon looked to Punk's hand than to Punk himself. "No tricks?" Shannon asked knowing punk's slapping problem first hand. "No tricks, our girls are watching, I'm held by a leash as well..." Shannon laughed and took Punk's hand. They both shook to a truce.

"After this we will have to make sure nothing happens to screw up this relationship." Heather nodded in agreement stretching. They had been watching Shannon and Punk talk for over three hours. "Guests are starting to leave." Seshama watched as some guests said goodbye to Punk. "Well, I better go get our stuff." Heather stood and walked out to the truck followed by Seshama. Shannon and Punk continued talking in the same manner they had been, until Heather ans Seshama broke up the two so they all could go to bed.

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