Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Recuperation, Friendships, and Hatred

Heather woke up the next morning to Shannon's cell phone ringing. "Hello?" Heather said into the phone. "Hey, Heather, Where is Shannon I wanted to talk to him." Matt's voice came through the phone. "Why don't you call back later Matt when I don't want to rip off your dick and shove it through your eye socket!" Matt was confused at this statement and asked. "Why are you mad at me?" Heather hung up the phone with a yell. Seshama walked into the room with C.M., the yelled had also woken up Shannon. Shannon looked to Heather practically crushing his phone. "Who was that?" heather looked to her audience and put down the phone. "No one Shannon." Heather replied. "Seshama I need to talk to you." Seshama followed her friend to the hall. "What's up?" Seshama asked closing the door behind her. "I need you to go get me Matt, and that time I should be calmed down." Seshama nodded and walked down the hall. "Mission collect brothers is go." Heather laughed at her friend and went back into the room. "I'm sorry I slapped you Shannon." C.M. said sitting beside the bed. "Philip, just because I apologized to you doesn't mean you have to return it." Shannon said. "Yeah I know, but I am sorry."

Finally when Matt and Jeff got there Heather had to stand away from Matt. "Any information on mission collect brothers?" Heather asked Seshama glaring over at Matt. "Jeff told Matt it was a bad idea to force Shannon to come." Seshama reported, "Shannon left the party later than expected because Matt and Jeff were fighting." Seshama cleaned under her nails. "Shannon finally left the party because Beth and Carley were going after him and Jeff and Matt were angry." Heather nodded again. "Next mission." She said glaring over to Beth and Carley. "Payments." Seshama smiled and walked over to Punk. Heather saw Shannons anger in his eyes. Once Matt and Jeff left with their girlfriends Heather looked to Seshama. "I need information on Beth and Carley. Who went after Shannon more." Heather laughed, "Get it, Shannon Moore..." Seshama laughed and rolled her eyes. "You are a complete idiot." Taking C.M. with her Seshama left. Heather returned to Shannon's side as he said. "My breaks weren't working." Heather nodded and sighed before she put a finger to his lips and kissed him.

Taking the nicely wrapped present from the table she put the box in his hand. Thankfully the casts on his arms didn't cover his hands. Shannon looked at the small box and started to unwrap it. Only one angry cuss came out of his mouth when her couldn't get the lid off. Pulling out a small baby bonnet Shannon stared at it for a while. Flipping it over in his hands he placed it on the box. "Give me a hug." Shannon said as Heather leaned down carefully. Shannon ignored the pain in his ribs as he wrapped his arms as best as he could around Heather and hugged her tighter. "I love you." Shannon said releasing her. As soon as ECW found out that Shannon was injured there wasn't a moment that Shannon wasn't on the phone talking to a coworker. Two weeks went by and Shannon was allowed out of the hospital. Matt came to see Shannon once out of those two weeks. Jeff came almost every day, only missing from Shannon's bedside when he has work. Heather had found out that Carley liked Shannon a lot more than she liked Matt, and made it clear to her not to mess with her man. After telling Matt of Carley's obsession Matt broke up with her.

C.M. and Seshama returned to Chicago and gave Heather and Shannon their congrats. Shannon's hair was already growning back, the bald spot was easily covered by a head band or a hat, and also the rest of his long hair. Once the doctor took off Shannon's bandages on his ribs Heather could see the large scars and bruises from glass and broken ribs. Heather and Shannon returned home with Shannon in a wheel chair. Oz and Honnor bolted toward the two and said their hello's. Shannon was wheeled over to the tab;e and heather went to go make dinner. "Shannon,-" Heather was cut off by Shannon standing up from the wheel chair. "Shannon!" Heather yelled pushing him back into the chair. Shannon sighed and pointed to the phone. Heather handed him the phone and sighed. Shannon quickly dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. "Hey..." Heather heard Matt's voice through the phone and she heard Shannon make a displeased sound. Matt had broken up with Carley yesterday so Matt was still upset. "I don't know Matt I'm kinda broken." Matt made a loud yell and Shannon hung up the phone. Heather sat a plate of spaghetti in font of him. Shannon had been eating nothing but what he could drink through a straw. Heather wanted to see if he could handle a fork, if not she wouldn't mind feeding him.

It wasn't for another four weeks until Shannon got his casts off. He still had to get used to being able to move his arms again but he could go back to work. Everyone welcomed Shannon and Heather back. The Divas, Mostly Maria and Kelly Kelly, saw the ring and commented on it's beauty on her. Heather was sporting a pair of Shannon's wrestling pants which were a bit tight. She was beginning to show. Seshama and C.M. welcomed Shannon and Heather back. To the surprise of the media and the camera men, C.M. gave Shannon a pat on the back. Seshama put a hand on Heather's stomach and laughed. "I hope it's a boy." Heather said putting a hand on her stomach. "I can't wait until he or she starts to kick." Said Shannon holding Heather. They were soon joined by Jeff and Matt. Jeff had put Matt back on track so everything between Shannon and Matt was ok. Heather still had a hard spot in her heart though. This wasn't the first time Matt did something like this. Shannon looked to Jeff who smiled to Shannon. "So, how is the baby doing?" asked Matt walking over to Heather arm outstretched.

Shannon felt Heather tense and pulled her away to the concession stand. "She needs to eat something." Shannon said. Seshama sighed walking to the locker room. "You don't like Matt." Shannon said rubbing her back as she ate. "Why should I like him? He got you into a car accident and then didn't even come to see you in the hospital." Shannon took in what she said and kissed her. "I know, but Jeff sorted it out." Heather kissed him back and hugged him. "I love you." Heather said before going to join Seshama in the locker room. Jeff was playing guitar. Heather sat down beside him and sighed. "So how is the little one?" Jeff asked continuing to play. Heather sighed before she put a hand on her stomach. "He or she doesn't move yet...the doctor said I should feel movement before the next month, turning or even a kick." Jeff nodded and Heather leaned on Jeff's shoulder, Jeff was like the great big brother Heather never had.

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