"If that will get you out of my hair, then all's good." Sarawat took a lazy drag of his smoke, eyes darting to Tine, a teasing glint swirling within them.

"Asshole," Tine muttered, now drawing shapes in the air with an index finger at his feet, which Sarawat just now noticed were bare, one cheek squished against his knees. He looked cute, with a pout on his full lips and fine brows drawn, like an upset little bunny. Sarawat was impartial to animals but he could make an exception for this particular pet.

Sarawat inhaled sharply, almost going into a coughing fit because of his own thoughts.

What the hell! Since when had he thought that guys looked cute? He thought Pam was cute. Or kind of, they had been friends for so long that he no longer could view her in any different light than the cute, little girl he had met on the beach when they were kids.

Tine looked up with an inquisitive gaze at Sarawat, having heard his sharp intake of breath. Sarawat cleared his throat, quickly grasping onto one of the many thoughts running through his mind to avoid the awkwardness that was still fluttering in his lower belly.

"Can I ask you a couple of questions about, you know-" Sarawat motioned with a fluttering hand in Tine's direction. "Or will you go all zombie on me again?"

Tine flushed, his sharp cheeks instantly tinted pink and he hid his face, stuffing it against his knees, only the red tips of his ears were visible. Sarawat's heart jolted inside his ribcage. Why was this ghost acting so sweet?

"You can try," came his wavering and a little watery reply. "I can't promise much though." Tine looked up at that, clear eyes gazing straight into Sarawat's inky ones and then he furrowed his brows. "I think I might have a memory loss?"

Sarawat arched his eyebrows. No shit.

"Or I mean, maybe it's not technically a memory loss," he rambled. "Maybe my mind got wiped or something, when I got like this."

"Like this?" Sarawat asked thoughtlessly, still a little preoccupied with the inner battle of finding Tine quite attractive.

He tilted his head, mouth slightly ajar while his hooded eyes traced over Tine's lithe form. Tine was certainly not a small guy but curled up like that he looked just so lost and pitiful. For once in his life Sarawat felt genuine worry course through his veins. The undisclosed truth, which maybe was not so secret, was that Sarawat lived a rather selfish life. He was chasing only after his own gratification, trying to still a relentless hunger that he, himself had no idea where it came from. Feeling sympathy for this lonely ghost was a new experience for him.

Tine frowned disapprovingly at Sarawat, pouting but then he sighed long-suffering and said sullenly, "Well, say it! Dead! I am dead. Do I really need to spell it out for you?"

Sarawat snickered silently at the childish outburst. The topic was not really something to laugh at but Tine was acting just so, so adorable. Fuck, Sarawat was mortified just thinking these thoughts. He had never had such a reaction to Pam. What the hell was wrong with him?

"And to answer your question, you know probably as much as I do," Tine added on a whisper and something primal and protective resonated within Sarawat, strumming through his core. Okay. He was officially fucked. It seemed that Tine had no whatsoever issue with wrapping Sarawat around his ghostly, little finger.


Tine was floating around. When he was not concentrating on maintaining a corporeal form, he was just there, both somewhere and at the same time everywhere inside the room. It almost seemed like another dimension had been added into the space continuum just for him.

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