Chapter 11

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When I opened my eyes, it was immediately obvious I wasn't in my own bedroom

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When I opened my eyes, it was immediately obvious I wasn't in my own bedroom. For one, the blackout curtains succeeded in blocking out the early morning sun, whereas my cheap set of blinds would've had the room pouring with light. Secondly, there was a digital clock with large red letters staring back at me that I certainly didn't own. Then there was the hockey equipment pushed into the corner, and to top it off, the pillows and sheets—and let's be honest, the entire room—smelt like Derrick.

Far from overpowering or off-putting, it was fresh and intoxicating. A subtle mix of pine and citrus that had me turning my nose into the cotton and inhaling deeply. Only to exhale slowly as I was brought back to how I'd ended up here.

Being in the stands for the game had been unexpected, especially on a night I'd promised to spend with the girls, but the fact that Derrick had been open to extending an invite to them had made it impossible to say no. After all, Esme and Harper might have revoked my friendship card if I had. And even though we'd been to a handful of games over the years, there was something different about being in the middle of the pumped up crowd, watching everyone on the edge of their seats, ready to cheer for someone I knew. There was an added level exhilaration—even more so when that person ended up being the star of the show.

Derrick had rocked it out on the ice last night, his goal and assist propelling the team to a hard-fought win, yet after it all, he'd chosen to celebrate with me. My friends hadn't been able to stop directing sly, knowing looks my way as the four of us sat at the table in the back of the bar, Derrick more or less ignoring the rest of his teammates to spend time with us. And while it'd certainly had me feeling giddy and affectionate as the night wore on, it also left me feeling a bit confused.

This 'thing' between us was meant to be casual, and on my side, it was. I had no delusions of grandeur. We got on great, and yes, the chemistry was off the charts, but to actually be together? In a relationship? I couldn't see how two incredibly busy and career-focused people could make something work.

It was a have-fun-while-it-lasts type connection, but last night, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a voice in the back of my head that Derrick was possibly beginning to think of it as something more.

Hence the confusion.

Though it hadn't altered how the night ended.

Which led to where I was now: sprawled beside him in bed, my clothes strewn across the room, and feeling satisfied after another night together. Admittedly, very similar to that first morning back in San Francisco. Except this time, the urge to sneak away before he woke up was nowhere to be found.

I was, however, debating whether or not to get up and scour the apartment for a cup of coffee when there was a shift from the other side of the bed and a muscular arm snaked its way around my bare waist.

"Good morning," Derrick mumbled, nuzzling his nose into the back of my neck.

I giggled in response and squirmed, unconsciously rubbing my naked body against his. So it was no surprise when I felt his erection prodding against my ass cheek. "Definitely feels like a good morning."

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