The song

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Hey guys. So my computer doesn't work at the moment so I have to use my phone. The writing will not be the best so... 😢. Thanks for understanding.


Thad's p.o.v

I hear quiet whispering as I also hear quiet footsteps approaching, making me look towards the left, where I see Niff leading the New Directions.

"What's going on?" asked Santana, as she put her hand on her hip, raising her right eyebrow. I quickly shush them, waving my hand as a 'follow me' sign. They follow me and we peek into the doorway. I can hear quiet gasps as they take in the sight in front of them.

Santana's p.o.v

When Jeff spoke up saying that we would be taking a slight detour, I could tell that we were all confused but followed Nick and Jeff anyways. As we were walking, I could hear Nick and jeff whispering to each other. I tried to listen in, but all I got were





Sebastian?! What has that twink done now?

When we got there, I saw one of the other tour leaders, what was his name?





"What's going on?" I asked, subconsciously(big word. I'M ALL GROWN UP! TAKE THAT MOTHER!) put my hand on my hip. When he sees us, he just shushes us and makes us follow him. What I see in the doorway, I will never forget.

It was Sebastian.

But it also wasn't.

It was like a shell.

And it felt wrong.

When I come closer, I see that the twink has a guitar in his hands. I could also hear music, which I could only assume that it was coming from the guitar itself. He sets up his phone in front of him, on a stand and I heard the recording sound. We've all heard him sing, but not like this.

3rd p.o.v

Hey there, Iris

What's it like in Central city?

I'm a thousand miles away

But, girl, tonight you look so pretty

'Who's this Iris he's singing too' thought Kurt and Blaine

Yes, you do

Star Labs can't shine as bright as you

I swear, it's true

Hey there, Iris

Don't you worry about the distance

I'm right there if you get lonely

Give this song another listen

Close your eyes

Listen to my voice, it's my disguise

I'm by your side

'Oh wow' was the thought that ran through everybody's head. They knew that he could sing, but never this well. The N.D's could practically hear the emotion.

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