Butch's P.O.V

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'It's been three days since BC told me what happened to her. She's been staying at Blossom's house since she didn't want to go back to her house to see her brother. I haven't really seen her since she left three days ago. I should really go see if she's okay. Yeah I think I should.' I thought to my self as I sat on the worn out red couch with my brothers. They both finally came back a day or two ago. I have no idea where they've been but I don't care to ask.

I stood up and walked away from the couch. "Hey Butch. Where u going?" Brick asked looking up from his phone. "I'm just going out." I said walking to my room to grab my phone from the charger and put on the my green high tops. I grabbed what I needed and walked back in to the living room to grab my earbuds from the table. I grabbed them and said bye to my brothers as I walked out the front door. As soon as I stepped outside, I put my earbuds in my ears and turned on my music. I listened to many of my favorite songs, but one song I loved the most. 'Why?' U ask. Because its one of Bc's favorite songs too. Its called 'Monster' by Meg & Dia. I don't know why I like listening to it. It may be because she would always play it when we played soccer and I might of gotten so used to it and started liking it.

It didn't take me very long to get to Blossom's house 'cause she didn't live far from my house. When I did get to her house, I walked up the steps that led to the door and rang the door bell. As I waited, I observed the outside of my house. It was pale peach like color with a darker shade of peach for the shudders. I was a little bigger than Bc's. There was two little gardens on each side of the door. Overall, it looked really nice. I heard the door open and I quickly looked to see who answered. It was Blossom. "Hey Butch. What's up?" She said smiling. "Nothing. I just came to see Buttercup." I said returning the smile. But then her smile faded to a worried look. "Butch, I'm sorry but I haven't seen Buttercup all day. She left this morning. Said something about clearing her mind and going somewhere peaceful, but she hasn't been back since." She said while looking down at her feet. "Well do u know where she might of gone?" I asked. She shook her head. "Oh but she did say she wanted me to tell u something of u came by." She said a little excited. "Well? What is it?" I asked while motioning for her to say. "Oh um...its a little weird. I dont get what she means when she said 'Tell Butch to get his ass to the place'. I have no idea what she means by 'the place'. Do u know?" She said waiting for an answer. I knew exactly what she meant. 'The place' was a codeword that meant the hideout. When we wanted to go there but we were with the others we would say 'the place' instead of the hideout.

"Yeah. I gtg. Thanks Bloss!" I yelled as I ran to the hideout leaving Blossom confused.

I finally made it to the hideout, but BC wasn't there. I looked everywhere in the hideout. But she wasn't anywhere to be found. I started to get very worried. 'Where is she? She said for me to meet her here! Did something happen to her? If so how do I find her and help her?' So many thought were running through my mind, but then I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. At first I felt relieved but when I turned around it wasn't BC. It was Brick and Boomer. "What the hell are u guys doing here?! How did u find me?" I asked looking around. "Dude calm down. We got bored sitting at home so we decided to follow u to see where u were going." Brick explained. "Yeah then we saw u go to Blossom's house and start talking to her about something. But then u both looked really sad. Then got excited and u ran off. So we followed u here. By the way what is this place?" Boomer asked looking at the stuff in the cave. I sighed. 'Might as well tell them now that they've seen it'. "This is mine and Bc's hideout. U know to get away from u guys and other annoying people. We come up here to practice, talk, and well hangout." I said walking to the cave to sit in my beanbag. Of course they followed behind me. "Came here because Bc told me to meet her here. But where I got here. I couldn't find her anywhere. I think something bad happened to here." I continued. "Now don't jump to conclusions. She might be fine. She might of just went to get something to eat u never know." Brick said. He might be right. She'll probably be here in a few minutes. I just have to be patient.

I sat there with Brick and Boomer waiting for Bc to come and meet me but that never happened. I sat there the whole night even after my brothers went back home. I was worried. What if she never comes here to meet me? Was she okay? I hoped that she wasn't hurt. I had no idea where she would have gone. I finally gave up at 9 a.m the next morning and went back home. Slowly walking passed the stores that were just opening for the day. Slowly walking passed the peaceful houses to the peaceful neighborhoods. Slowly walking down my street to my fucked up house. I walked in and noticed that no one was up yet. So I slowly walked to my room. I took off my shoes and placed them next to my closet. Then I put my phone on the charger and lied down in my bed and slowly drifted off.


Hey my lovlies! Sorry for not updating in awhile. I had to think about what I was going to do in this chapter. In the next chapter you'll find out what happened to Bc. Well hope u liked it. Vote, Comment, and Follow for more great stories!!! Bye my lovlies!!!❤

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