"Shit , why did her brother have to come home?"

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Butch P.O.V

She went inside and I started walking. I felt bad for what happened to her. Nobody deserves to lose someone they care about. It took me awhile to get home but all the way home I thought about her. I finally got home. I walked through the door and there was Brick and Boomer both passed out on the couch. It was hilarious. Both had their arms wrapped around the other. I couldn't help but take out my phone and take a pic. I knew they were going to beat the shit out of me, but hey don't get drunk and pass out on a couch holding each other. After I took the pic, I put my phone in my pocket but as soon as it was in my pocket a song started to come out of it. The song was Classic by MKTO. I quickly grabbed my phone and it my ringtone for Bc. I sighed and answered it.


"Hey Butch"

"Hey what's up. U need something "

" Well no but I'm bored and was wondering if u wanted to come over and video games" she said that in nervous tone which only meant something was up.

"Yeah sure I'll be over in a few minutes"

"K see u then"

Then she hung up. I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket and walked out the door and to Bc's.

20 minutes later

I walked to her front door and knocked. Then she flung the door open. "It took u long enough " she said annoyed. "Well I do live like 3 blocks from here." "Whatever come in" she out of the way to let me in. I looked around and I didn't see anyone else in the house. "Where is everyone?" I asked curiously. "Well my mom went to the store with my little brother, my dad is in California for a wrestling tournament, and my older brother is with his girlfriend. " she answered quickly. "So we have the place ourselves?" "Yeah pretty much" she said nervously. "Well ok where's the video games?" "Oh I forgot. Come on" she grabbed my arm and lead me upstairs and into her room which still had the bed slept in in the floor. "Ok so what game do u want to play?" she said as I looked at all the games she had. "How about Call Of Duty Ghost?  I bet I can beat u." I said. She hates it when I think I'm better than her which I am. "There is no way u can bet me remember the last time u said and I beat your ass" she's right she did. But this time I was going to win. "Yeah I remember but this time there's rewards." I said evilly.  "What kind of rewards? " she asked suspiciously. "If I win u have to kiss me"I said that's when she got red and said,             " And...if I win" she said nervously. "I'll do anything u want" "OK deal" she stuck out her hand waiting for me to shake it. I quickly took it and shook it. Her hand was so soft and so light. We then let go of each others hands and started the game.

10 minutes later

"YES I WON" I yelled as look at my score. "U cheated I know u did. There is know way u could beat me." She said as she looked at the score herself. She was shocked because I won with the most kills. I never win so yeah u'd be shocked too. I turned to her and said, "I believe u owe me a kiss" she looked at me and her cheeks were covered in red. "You're an asshole u know that, right? " "Yes I know now come on It's just a kiss" she sighed seeing there was no way out of do this. She looked at me and said, "ok here goes nothing. I just want u to know that I'm going to kick your ass for making me do this." "I know now come on" she sighed and leaned in closer to me. Our lips were centimeters apart when we heard the front door swing open and someone yell, " I'm home!!" We quickly jumped up in to our feet and said, "U have to go before he sees u." "Who?" "My brother!! " her brother was over protective of her just because she was 16 and boys go after girls like her. Plus if  he saw he alone with her in her room I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be alive. So I looked at her and said, "U still owe me kiss. But I guess it can wait " I smiled and left through her window. I walked home again and I was fucking angry. I mean centimeters!!! "Shit, why did her brother have to come home?"

♡I know I know I would be made at me too if I didn't have them kiss either. But hey I'm waiting for the perfect moment for them to kiss. Well thx for reading. Comment, Vote, Follow plz

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