~Self-Care~ Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou

Start from the beginning

His warm smile sends another spark of electricity to my heart.  "I'd kiss your face, but it's messy right now."  He maneuvers to kiss my nape below my ear.  "I'll settle for that."

My first instinct is to burst into a face-cracking smile, but then my mask will actually crack.  "Sneak."  I pull out another bottle, pump it into my hands, and gently pat his face with it.

"What're you putting on my face now?"

"This is serum, sweetie."

"What does it do?"

"Mmm, it makes your face all bright, glowy, and smooth."

He furrows his eyebrows and stares straight at me.  "You mean it isn't already?"

How many times is he gonna kill me today?  I loop my arms around his neck lovingly and chuckle.  "It makes it more bright, glowy, and smooth, you perfect boy."

He beams at my wholehearted compliment and rests his hands on my waist.  "You're perfect, too.  I doubt you need any of this."

A snort escapes me.  "It's because of all this that my face looks normal, babe."  I retrieve my jar of moisturizer.  "Last thing, moisturizer to keep your face nice and hydrated through the night."

Todoroki lets me pat his face again only to catch one of my hands gently and place a kiss on my palm.  "Thank you for humoring me, love."  His mismatched eyes grace me with chaste affection.

Cradling his cheeks, I ask, "Does it make you feel better?"

He leans into my touch.  "Yes, because you did it."

My thumb trace his perfectly angled cheekbones.  "And you were a perfect little client."  I wiggle out of his arms to wash the dried up mask off my face.

In that moment, heavier footsteps enter the room as I dry my face.  "What the-Baku-?!"

My friend bursts into laughter, guffawing at his own sense of humor and throwing his head back.  "Nice headband, Glamouroki!"

My boyfriend keeps a monotonous expression in the face of Bakugou's immaturity.  I continue applying toner to my face like he isn't there.  "Todoroki decided to join me having a skincare day."

"HA!  How rid-!"

I shoot him a death glare.  "I know you aren't about to say skincare is 'girly' or something, Katsuki.  Besides, look how clear his face is.  When was the last time you inspected yours?"

Todoroki's lip turns up into a smug smirk while Bakugou's jaw drops.  "What's that supposed to mean?!  I have good skin!"

"Oh, stop being a child.  Besides, you're sweaty all the time, your pores are all clogged," I dismiss, continuing with my own routine.

The blond growls to himself and slumps into the bathroom to inspect his face in the mirror.  With a frown, he turns back to me and mumbles, "Doing just your boyfriend's skincare is pretty rude, what about your best friend?"

I shrug.  "Todoroki asked, you just got here.  But I thought you weren't interested."

"Shut up!  I take back what I was gonna say, just do whatever you have to."

I'm not one to give up any opportunity to mess with Bakugou.  A smug grin spreads across my face.  "If that's the case, you have to get into uniform."  Before he can say anything, I fetch my last character headband and push his hair back with it.

His face turns as red as his eyes when he looks at himself in the mirror and pouts.  "You didn't have to humiliate me like this!"

Todoroki and I have to suppress our laughter.  "I'm just moving your hair out of the way, relax.  Now go wash your face with this."

After going through the same motions as with Todoroki with cleansing, I sit Bakugou down.  "Well, your skin is oily and you have all those blackheads and comedones all over your face.  Not to mention sometimes you get these really huge pimples-"

"Stop making fun of my face, damnit!"

I ignore his protests and pull out my charcoal mask.  "I'm gonna need to put this on your face to get the impurities out and absorb the extra oil."  I use a small spreader tool to apply a thin, grey layer over my friend's skin.

"So these are the kinds of people who need that mask," Todoroki comments, for sure just to push his buttons.


"Settle down, it won't be even if you keep moving," I reprimand him.  When I finish, I put everything away.  "Alright, keep that on for 10 minutes until it dries.  And no moving your face or else it'll crack."

"Are you kidding me?!" the impatient boy grumbles.

"Do you want to keep being a greasy, pimple face?"

He crosses his arms over his chest.  "No."

"Then stay still."  I bring out my phone.  "Let me take a picture of us three in our cute headbands!"

"Don't you dare!"

Todoroki leans over and holds Bakugou still, smiling to the camera when I take the selfie of my two idiots.


Once Bakugou washes the mask off his face and finishes the rest of the skincare routine, he admires himself in the mirror.  "Look at how clean my face looks now, Icyhot!"

"My face still looks perfect."


This was super fun to write, and I gave you a little bit of both fluff and some crack at end, so I really hope it makes you smile since it was really fun to write 😊

~Chibi senpai

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