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(5 years later)

'Dad, can you tell hunter to stop taking my things' 13 year old ally said from the kitchen, I saw Jughead sigh and then he looked over at me. My head rose from the book I was currently reading and I said 'she said dad, this has nothing to do with me' he smirked and just as he went to say something else Ally came outside. 'Dad, hunter stole my colouring pencils and now he won't give them back' she said while sitting down next to him. He kissed her forehead and he said 'I'll talk to him, I'll get them back sweetheart. Why don't you go and help Taylor with her chalk drawings?' She nodded and then walked over to where 5 year old Taylor was drawing on the patio. Just as Jughead went to find Hunter he came running out of the house, 'stop right there' Jughead said to 8 year old Hunter who was just about to run down the porch steps. He stopped and turned towards where we were sitting and Jughead said 'did you take your sisters pencils?' Hunter just shrugged, Jughead sighed and then said 'go and get them' hunter frowned and said 'but daddy...' I saw the eyebrow raise from Jughead and he then said 'go and get the pencils or it's the telly gone for a week' hunters mouth dropped open and he said 'that's not fair... mummy' I sighed and said 'hunter, listen to your father. Go and get Ally's pencils please' he sighed and then headed back inside.

A few minutes later Hunter returned carrying the pencil case in his hands and Jughead said 'now, next time, you need to ask your sister if you want to borrow her stuff. Can you go and apologise please?' Hunter nodded and then slowly walked to the patio where Ally and Taylor were. 'You didn't have to be quite so harsh jug' I said while closing my book and moving closer to him, he sighed and said 'this is the 4th time this week, he needs to learn betts' I smiled and brushed a hand through his hair, he turned to face me and I happily placed a kiss to his lips. 'Mummy, I got messy' I heard Noah say from next to us, I pulled away from Jughead and we both turned to look at Noah, I sighed and heard Jugheads small laugh. I saw the mud that was smudged all over his clothes, in between his hands and also over his face. I whispered to Jughead, 'oh, he's your son' just as Jughead went to say something Taylor came running up the porch stairs with tears running down her face and said 'daddy, hunter ruined my drawing' I sighed and said 'I'm going to take Noah to get him cleaned up, can you sort this out?' He nodded and I watched as he lifted Taylor into his lap.

I got Noah cleaned up and then carried him back downstairs where he ran off outside again. I smiled and then looked down at Missy who was curled up in a ball on her bed, I picked up her lead and clipped it to her collar. I walked outside to see Taylor still in Jugheads lap and Hunter sitting on the porch step with his head in his hands, I saw Ally walking back inside and I said 'hey al, can you do me a favour? Can you help your dad with the twins while I take missy for a walk?' She nodded and I then watched as she headed over to where Noah was trying to climb onto the climbing frame in the back of the garden, I smiled down at Jughead and I said 'I'm just going to take Missy out, Hunters going to come with me' he nodded and I pecked his lips before kissing the top of Taylor's head. 'Hunter, your coming out with me' he groaned and said 'do I have to?' I raised an eyebrow and I said 'yes, now come on' he let out a sigh and then stood up walking into the house and towards the front door.

We walked for 15 minutes until we reached the normal park we let Missy play fetch in. I sat down and I un clipped the lead from missy's collar, I watched as Hunter threw her ball and then sat down next to me. I brushed his dark curls from his forehead and I said 'will you tell me what's bothering you?' He shrugged and then lent against my side, I wrapped my arm over his shoulder and I said 'come on buddy, you normally love playing with you sisters and your brother. You are always polite to me and to daddy but now your ruining there drawings and taking things without asking, what's going on?' He sighed and said 'it's silly' I kissed the side of his head and I said 'if somethings bothering you then it's not silly, you can always talk to me' he sighed and then said quietly 'daddy was suppose to take me to the park the other day but then Noah and Taylor wanted to go to the soft play and he took them but forgot about the park. He was also suppose to watch a film with us the other night but he ended up working instead and then today he shouted at me, daddy doesn't play with me anymore' I sighed and I said 'okay, hey baby, look at me. I know that daddy's been busy recently but he loves you so much, how about when we get home we talk to him and maybe tonight we can watch a film?' He smiled and said quietly 'okay, I guess' I threw the ball again for Missy and then I said 'how about I make sure that one day a week, daddy has an afternoon where he does something you want to do, just the two of you. He doesn't mean to forget things baby, I promise, you should have said something' he nodded and then said 'I'm sorry I've been mean to Taylor and Ally, I just thought daddy would care more about me' I pulled him closer to me and moved him so he was resting in my lap 'your dad does care about you baby, he loves you so much, I'm sorry you've been feeling like this. Just promise you will apologise to Taylor when we get home and don't do things like this again otherwise we will need to give you a consequence' he nodded and said 'I'm sorry mummy' I smiled down at him and kissed his nose 'it's okay, everything's okay' I hugged him close and over the next 20 minutes he stayed tucked into my chest and I only broke away when Missy came running back with her ball.

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