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Hunter woke up during the night, he was hungry and once fed he settled once again. He fell asleep in my arms and I wasn't quite ready to put him down, I sat awake for a while staring down at him and I already knew that when he grows up he's going to look exactly like Jughead.

Morning came and so did a nurse to make sure me and Hunter were doing well. He was fast asleep in the cot when I heard the door to the room open, I smiled widely when Jugheads face came round the corner. He came to the side of the bed and sat down for a moment, I moved and wrapped my arm around his waist 'hi' I said quietly. He smiled and said 'hi, how you both doing?' I smiled and said 'we're good' he nodded and then moved to the cot where Hunter was lying. He ran his finger down the side of face and without taking his eyes off his son said 'dads here with Ally' I smiled and said 'let them in' he nodded and then broke away from Hunter to get his dad and our daughter.

A few seconds later Jughead came round the corner carrying ally in his arms and FP slowly followed. Jughead kissed Ally's head before putting her on the edge of the bed next to me. Be careful Jughead signed to her, she nodded and then moved so she was lying down. I kissed her forehead and I signed hi baby she smiled and hugged me tightly. I kissed her forehead once more just as Hunter started to fuss, Jughead moved over to the cot and gently picked him up. He settled a few minutes later while being rocked in Jugheads arms, I smiled at them and then Jughead walked over to the side of the bed where Ally was lying. She sat up and signed talk I nodded and then FP handed me her box, a few seconds later her hearing aids were in and I said quietly 'ally, this is your little brother, Hunter' she looked up at me and I smiled. She turned back to Jughead and hunter, 'hi Hunter' she said quietly, Jughead smiled and said 'you're going to be such a great big sister' Ally smiled and then laid back down next to me. I pulled her in for a hug and Jughead walked over to FP, he smiled widely and happily took Hunter from Jug. 'He's beautiful you guys, congratulations' FP said quietly, I smiled towards Jughead and he mouthed to me 'I love you' I smiled and then mouthed back 'me too.'

A little later on the doctor discharged us, Jughead was carrying Hunter in the car seat and Ally was walking next to me holding my hand. Once Ally was belted in, Jughead clipped the car seat in place and then got in the drivers seat and drove us home.

I was very happy to sit down on the sofa, Ally ran off to play with her toys and Jughead sat Hunter on the coffee table. He was happily asleep and it gave me a moment of rest and Jughead a chance to sort out our bags from the hospital.

Hunter soon woke up so I moved him from the car seat and tucked him into my chest, I had a blanket wrapped round me and I rested him against me. Jughead soon joined us in the lounge, he sat down next to me and said 'so, Veronica caught wind that you had the baby and so she's on her way over' I sighed and then let out a laugh, 'why am I not surprised' he laughed and then ran a finger down Hunters cheek before caressing my cheek as well. I smiled at him and then Missy came running into the lounge. Jughead greeted her and then said 'I'm going to take her for a quick walk, this she might need it' I nodded and said 'take Ally with you, the next few weeks are going to be difficult' he nodded and then grabbed Missy's lead. 'Ally, can you grab your shoes for me' he said in a raised voice but not to loud that Hunter started to cry. She came running back downstairs and then said 'where are we going daddy?' He smiled down at her and said 'we're going to take Missy for a quick walk and maybe we can go by the park' she smiled and jumped up and down before grabbing her shoes. I watched as Jughead helped her strap them up and then grab her jacket. They were ready to go and ally said 'bye bye mummy' I smiled at her and I said quietly 'bye baby, be good for daddy' she nodded and then held onto Jugheads spare hand.

It was just me and Hunter, I stood up with Hunter in my arms and headed towards the cot we had set up. We had set up a smaller cot in the lounge so we could watch him for the first few weeks and as I laid him down there was a knock on the door, I checked Hunter was okay before answering the door.

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