"It's going well, me and Babs were on fire getting the frames done," Karen replied "Oh by the way, this Babs, one of my friends that I hang out with."

"Hi, I'm Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Babs!" Barbara introduced to him.

"Gordon? That name sounds familiar...." Aruto thought of the name.

"Barbara Gordon is the daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon," Izu said.

"That's right! I remember seeing your dad before." Aruto said, earning a surprise look from Barbara.

"You met my dad before?" she asked.

"Sort of, but I seen him a lot with my grandfather when I was a kid. He used to work as a security guard in Daybreak Town, but moved to Gotham."

"Really?! I didn't know Comissioner Gordon use to work in Hiden Intelligence!" Karen said as Izu show an image of a younger Jim Gordon, likely in his college years with Korensouke Hiden.

"Wow, Babs, your dad is awesome to work with Mr. Korensouke!" Karen said.

"Yeah, my dad told me everything, but he never told me about working with Korensouke," Barbara said, surprised of the information.

Just as they about to talk more, Kara came to them "Guys what are you waiting for?! C'mon, it's Cheeseburger Thursday!!"

"Oh right, we gotta go, Mr. Aruto, see ya!" Karen said as they exited out of the classroom, leaving Aruto and Izu.

"Well, we better get the projects stored safely and get the classroom cleaned up," Aruto said and Izu nodded before the two cleaned up the classroom

At the cafeteria

"Oh boy, cheeseburger!" Kara take a huge bite of her meal, causing some of the cheese to covered her mouth, "All the science and robot stuff things really making me hungry!"

"Kara, can you please slow down eating?! Some of us are trying to enjoy their meals." Zee scolded at her, trying to eating her salad.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Mom," Kara said with her mouth full as she finished it. Then she grabbed her trays of cheeseburgers and eating another one.

Once Diana, Barbara, Karen, and Jessica take their seats with them, Karen asked them, "So beside me and Babs, how are you guys doing with your robot projects?"

"It's going well, we're testing the frames a bit, but it was stuck so we had to adjust it a bit to make it work again," Jessica said.

"As for me and Kara, we're a bit behind on it since I had to show Kara how the parts working even I'm not a technology person," Diana said, taking glance at Kara who look at her.

"What? Want a bite?"

Kara offer a half eaten cheeseburger which Diana shook her head and Kara shrugged before taking another bite.

"So Jess, how's Hal and the others are doing?" Karen asked.

"Well so far, he's going to be alright, but let just say that because of last night, he's going have to miss his football match and I had to lie the coach of him got into an 'accident'," Jessica said "And let's just say that Hal's not happy of missing out his sporting match."

"I also got the chance to talk to Barry too, he also need to rest up and called the managers of Sweet Justice that he got into accident too so he's going to miss work for three weeks or so," Barbara said.

"And what about Oliver, Zee?" Diana asked which she groaned while rubbing the side of her nose.

"He's not taking it well. The Magias did a number of him a lot and as a result, he locked himself away in his room, dramatic saying that they ruin his 'pride and joy'," Zee said, making the girls look at her in confusion.

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