Chapter 13

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As if this was bad enough, loud explosion can be seen around the town of Metropolis. The Superhero Girls and Zero-One dodge away from the onslaught attacks the now transformed Supervillain Girls as the Vice Riders.

"Ha!" Livewire sends out multiple electric serpents at them as Zero-One slash them in half. Then a shadow appeared as Giganta raised her fist at him only for him and the girls to dodge out of the way.

"Okay, can anyone explain how the Supervillian Girls can transform into Kamen Riders?!" Supergirl exclaimed.

"I don't know, I'm still trying to process this crazy event!" Batgirl said, scratching her head crazy "I mean how did the Supervillian Girls got something to transform into Kamen Riders?!"

"Uh, Zero-One? You do had any ideas?" Bumblebee asked.

Zero-One examine at the belts before turned to her "Normally to become a Kamen Rider, you need a Driver or a Riser and an Progrise Key to do that. But this is the first time I seen a new Riser and the Keys too."

"Incoming!" Zatanna shouted as all of the heroes dodge out of the way from Harley's gauntlet missiles.

Just as they land on the ground, Star Sapphire shot multiple pink bolts at them as Zatanna and Green Lantern use their magic and energy to form a barrier.

Upon reflecting it, the pink bolts bounce and hit the other buildings and other people are running away in fear.

"This is getting crazy! We can't defend ourselves and the people at the same time!" Green Lantern grunted, holding her shield up.

"We need to get the people to safety and fast!" Wonder Woman said, "Zatanna, Green Lantern, see if you can get the people out of here! The rest of us will handle the Vice Riders!"

Green Lantern and Zatanna nodded as they release their shielding and got to work on rescuing the people. Just as the Vice Riders charged at them, the other Super Hero Girls and Zero-One blocked their way.

"Hold it! You got to deal with us!" Supergirl said as the five heroes charged at them.

Wonder Woman swing her sword at Kamen Rider Catwoman who dodge quickly due to her cat reflexes and her blades came out from her claws and began swiping at her with tremendous speed. Wonder Woman blocked using her shield as the impact from her attacks began to making her losing her footing. Using that advantage, she smack the shield away and deliver a side kick to her stomach to the ground.

"So fast just like the Cheetah!" She grunted and got up. Just as Catwoman charged she stopped and clutching her head, grunted in pain, making Wonder Woman looked confused.


"Rrgh.....Super....Hero... us...." Catwoman grunted in pain.

"'Help us?'" Wonder Woman wondering before Catwoman grunted before glaring at her as she closed the key and press the button to open it again.

'Greedy Devastation!'

She dashed towards her and sends rapid kick at Wonder Woman, then sending a roundhouse kick, knocking her down with an explosion.

As she walked towards her, she use her claw as it became a syringe and injected onto her neck and taking out some of her DNA.

"Mission complete: retrieved Wonder Woman's DNA. Transport to LexCorp."

A little compartment from her back revealing a mechanical fly, holding Wonder Woman's DNA and fly away.

Wonder Woman groaned as she woke up, Catwoman jump at her, preparing to stomp at her as she rolled out of the way.

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