Chapter 4

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The crowd gasped at the sight of Metropolis' most dangerous villain and Superman's powerful enemy, appearing in the Hiden Intelligence presentation.

"Metallo?! How did he come back?!" Barbara shouted. "I thought that he was turned to scrap pieces during our fight?!"

"I don't know, but we need to get the others!" Karen said and they rushed out of the theater.

"Metallo?" Aruto asked.

"Oh, surely you had heard of me. The rouge robot created by LexCorps intended to be the first robot superhero and now a robot supervillain? Didn't get the memo?" Metallo taunted while tapping his robot skull.

"Oh well, whatever. Since I'm here, I guess I better get started by destroying you!!" Metallo fired his kryptonite beam chest at him, which he dodged out of the way.

Everyone was screaming in fear as they rushed out of the theater.

Aruto took a glance at the staff and the employees of Hiden Intelligence.

"Get everyone out of here now!!" Aruto shouted as all of the staff, and employees carried the injured guards to safety. Izu came to the Humagears models and asked them to escape.

Metallo saw this and rushed towards her until Aruto pushed him away from them.

"You know, you really shouldn't done that, kid," Metallo got up and cracked his metallic neck.

Then his hands changed into green energy blades and begin to swing his swords at him. Aruto dodged quickly, but Metallo used another kryptonite chest cannon at him, sending him to the ground.

Metallo raised his green blades at him, but a golden rope ensnared him. Both turned and saw the Superhero Girls appeared.

"Hold it right there, Metallo!" Wonder Woman said

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"Hold it right there, Metallo!" Wonder Woman said.

"Ah, the Superhero Girls. Just the team of brats I want to meet," Metallo said. "Where's Superman? I was hoping for him to come by."

"Sorry, pal, but it looks like you're gonna had to deal with us first," Supergirl said, clenching her knuckles.

Metallo shrugged "Oh well, guess I will make you girls my training exercise until he comes."

He pulled out the Lasso of Truth and the Superhero Girls prepare for him.

"Green Lantern, Batgirl, get Mr. Hiden out of here. The rest of us will distract him," Wonder Woman ordered and Green Lantern nodded.

"Sisters, to battle!!" Wonder Woman sent out a battle cry with the Superhero Girls did the same thing and charged at Metallo. While Bumblebee, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman fighting him, Batgirl and Green Lantern came to Aruto.

"Are you okay?" Green Lantern asked and he nodded.

"Okay, we better get you out of here," Batgirl said and Green Lantern used her power to carried him with Batgirl following them.

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