Chapter 3: Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?

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WARNING: Contains blood and gore. All relevant text will be in bold for those who are triggered by this.

Gail's POV:

"WHAT?!" pretty much everyone screamed. The sound reverberated in my oversensitive ears, making me almost deaf. I caught sight of Xuli in the crowd, who looked like she was about to collapse and burst into tears.

The sight of my kid torn like this tugged at my heart-strings, attempting to squeeze out the water works which were slowly building up inside of me, but I thankfully managed to get myself under control and restrain the tears.

"Come," I beckoned to the others. The cadets started filing out of the G.O. Dome, wanting to find out what had become of Kyan.

While I was leading everyone to the scene of crime, I took a quick peek at the multitude behind me. Some of the cadets managed to keep straight faces, despite the sad and frightened look in their eyes. Others (especially the younger ones) had failed in doing so, and required help in walking.

We eventually reached the clearing in the forest where I had seen Kyan magically disappear.

Now you may be asking, You saw it?! What happened?

Well, I'll tell you.


I'd finally finished giving Auden a good scolding (and a slap in the face), and I was wondering how Ubercorn was getting on with that paperwork. I sighed, assuming that he probably put it off and would come back to it next month or something.

So, I decided to head to his office and create some for him as a punishment. I know I know, he's like 20 years older than me, but that doesn't mean I don't get to teach him a lesson, does it?

I'd almost reached JetPad when I heard Ubercorn's voice through my earpiece:

"All cadets and Go Jetters report to the G.O. Dome in 10 minutes, I repeat, everyone to the Dome in 10 minutes!"

Welp, better do that later, I mused as I changed my direction and headed to the G.O. Dome, which wasn't very far at all.

But then, I heard a racket coming from the forest nearby. All the animals in there seemed to be screaming for someone to... leave...?

A panicking squirrel rushed out of the trees, trying to find something. After his gaze was set on me, he bounded up and chattered in fright "It's Kyan! There's evil magic in the forest, and he doesn't understand us!"

I gasped. The song thrush was right.

The squirrel swiftly made his way back into the forest, me following close behind. He headed towards a clearing in the center, but before we got there, there was a huge flash of bright light and an outburst of force that blew me back and I slammed right into a tree, which consequently toppled over.

Thankfully I hadn't broken anything. I darted into the clearing, and what did I find?

~End of flashback~

Everything as all saw it now.

The place reeked of rotting flesh and a failed barbecue. Blood was splattered everywhere except for a crater in the middle of the clearing, where a small fire burned in the centre. Trees had been uprooted and were leaning on their sides, their leaves burnt off.

[DISCONTINUED] Consumed By The Fire | A Go Jetters Crossover FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang