Chapter 6: In The Madhouse

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Xuli's POV:

"Oww.." I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. The last thing I remembered was the cat growing about 10 feet taller and pouncing on me (and almost making me deaf with that random screech it did).

I looked around to see I was in some stinking room with a huge pile of skeletons in the corner. OK fine, thousands of piles of skeletons all over the room except for in the middle, making a path from me to the door, from which I could see a little light coming through the cracks.

I tried to lean against the wall to help me get up, but something tugged at my hands and feet, stopping me in my tracks. I squinted slightly at them, before I realised what they were.

Chains. Of course.

All of a sudden, the door burst open and I saw big bars in front of me, a few of them held together by 2 strips of metal and a padlock.

Oh wow. I'm in a cell too. I thought to myself sarcastically. I looked at the door again, and I saw the silhouette of the cat, still in its anthro form, holding another dark shape, this time it looked like a person.

They were being held by their leg as the cat took out a key, thrust it into the padlock of the door and threw the person in before undoing my chains.


But I realised its purpose when it grabbed my collar and tossed me straight into a wall before pinning me down on one of the many heaps of bones and teeth and torn clothing, its big red eyes piercing into my own as if it were looking into my soul.

"You trusted me." it snarled quietly "You actually believed me. And I thought my acting skills were terrible. I mean, no cat is ever so overprotective of itself that it only doesn't attack one person."

Come on, Xuli, I thought to myself, you've been through worse.

Just then, the cat extracted a claw (which looked about three times as long as its head was tall) and scratched my chest, reopening the scar from not that long ago. I hissed in pain as the blood started pouring out of me once more.

OK, maybe this is just as bad.

"Oh dear," the cat blurted very overdramatically "all of Blaze's hard work gone to waste. Guess I've redone the fun from 4 and a half months ago."

Despite being absolutely petrified, I was very confused. "Re... doing?" I groaned.


"Wait... you started the-"

"Tsunami? Yes. AND FOR A REASON, TOO!!! BUT IT FAILED! So now, I'm just going to have to finish that work all by myself."

I just got a thousand times more terrified as it lifted up its claw, preparing to, uh, I don't even know what it wanted to do, but I could tell it wouldn't be pretty.

"XULI NO!" a very familiar voice screamed.

I whipped my head round to see the other person had regained their- I mean his senses. I looked into his eyes, and instantly recognised him.


Although I was being pinned down by what seemed like the very definition of death, I couldn't get my eyes off him. My heart started thumping in my chest even faster than before, tears of happiness flowing from my eyes.

I heard a groan as the cat's grip loosened. I temporarily looked back at my oppressor, and it was looking very ill, its paw over its mouth. It croaked "I'll be back for you." before dashing out of the room and slamming the door shut.

After a few seconds, I seemed to hear the sound of puking coming from some other room. I remained there for a second, panting heavily. Then, without thinking, I rushed over to the cell where Kyan was, but hit something hard in the process. My eyes hadn't readjusted to the lack of light, and I'd hit a bar by mistake.

Thankfully, I recovered quickly, managed to find the open door and trapped my boyfriend in a bone-crushing hug, sobbing louder than ever. I felt him return the favour, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in further.

We stayed like that for a short while, before I noticed that his left (his left my right) arm was strangely hard and cold. I let go of him with one arm to feel his arm, and I was shocked.

It was made of metal.

I let go of him completely to take a good look at it, and it seemed very poorly constructed with 3 (including the thumb) sharp fingers. Kyan must have realised my shock at this, because he whispered to me "It's what I got for having a 3-day streak here. Scarlet said something about 'auto-attack', but I have no idea what that is."

"I'm assuming Scarlet is the name of this lunatic cat?"

"Yeah. And this place is far from some 5-star hotel."

"Tell me about it." I replied, pointing at my old scar.

Kyan looked at me with sorrowful eyes, before kissing me on the forehead and mumbling "At least we can spend however much time we have here together."

I wasn't excited about staying here, but I couldn't agree more with him.


Scarlet's POV:

I slammed the door shut behind me and ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. After I'd finished, I felt like someone had poured acid into my mouth or something as I peered down at all the raw flesh I'd just puked.

So much for my afternoon snack, I mused in annoyance.

"Feeling sick, huh?"

I jumped a foot in the air as someone's voice snapped me out of my miserable thoughts. I turned round and glared at the owner of the voice.

Titius Jr.

"It's fine." I answered "Just my stupid allergies."

"You allergic to raw meat?"

"No, I've had that on many occasions. The problem is that I knew my prisoners were close, but not that close!"

Titius scratched his head in confusion. "I... don't get it. Is there something in the air that bugs your stomach?"

"When they know the other is around, there is. Have the others built any more cells anywhere?"


"Well then, tell Pitch to take Romeo to the meeting room. I don't want to feel like this again. And if they don't, they'll have to face me, and trust me, they do NOT want to mess with me."

"OK. When shall I tell them?"


Titius was shaking in his shoes as his boss snapped those words. He answered timidly "Y-yes, m-m-ma'a-am." before running out of the room as fast as his wobbly legs would carry him.

Ooooh, the Slayer's allergic to something! If you guys guess it, please don't write it and spoil it for other people. It's needed at another point in the fic.

Congratulations to GuppiePower and TheNeonBunny for correctly answering the questions! I know last time I said there would be a trickier version of question 2, but instead, the answer for that is helpful to this question here:

What did Scarlet have for her afternoon snack? No hints, and the answer's kinda gruesome.

I guess I shall see you in the next chapter!

Love you guys!

-December Winterwolf :)

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